Masterpiece (nsfw)

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Land stretched out before her. Forests. Mountains. Walls of the castle hugged tightly. Filled with movements. Stirrings. No life. Yet teeming. Pulsating. Full of undead.

The taste of her ghouls lingered in the air; she could feel them, every single one. Could perceive the connection. It was not like the one she had with the men. Nothing more than a dull, lifeless echo of what they once were.

Yet she enjoyed the feeling of these bonds. The light, incorporeal threads that wrapped around her like a cocoon.


From the forests, her gaze wandered down; she leaned against the stone railing of the balcony, behind her the double glass doors thrown open, curtains whispered of what had happened. Sheltereing the fading screams.

Sera wanted to let him scream further.

His voice was perfect for screams.

You will break him again.

I always do. And so far, I've always been able to put him back together.

What if you go too far this time?

Then I'll find a new elf.

Once again, you're replacing one of them. You make it too easy for yourself.

Aren't they all the same at some point or another? The living?

Do you really believe that?



By the sweet purgatory, she was truly losing her mind.

Or you just love to torture yourself.

Maybe. After a hundred and fifty-seven years, what else is left?


Purgatory. Yes. She was right.

Of course I am.

And madness.

Always madness. What would you be without it? Without this power that slowly takes you over, that you can use like a weapon, one that takes from others as much as it takes from you.

How are the memories? Do you remember the name of your birthplace now?

The Silver Fortress. Simple.

Your mother's name?

At the intake of breath between her lips, she paused.


What was it again?

Who forgets their mother's name?



She pressed her lips together, the ice blue glowing in the midst of darkness, glowing with disdain for it. Against the constant knowledge.

Against everything, really.

Almost everything.

Behind her, there was a breath. Exhausted and rattling. Along with a heartbeat. Equally weary yet fluttering. Like the wings of a small bird. A tit or a sparrow. In a cage someone else had wrapped around him, but whose key she now held.

And how she longed to unlock the door, to tear it open, to drag him out from behind the protective cage bars.

Almost everything.

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