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This whole fanfic is just satire joke between friends on discord, who just wanna dick around lmao.


Mindy (Min for short) - 17, he/they

Cami- 18 he/him

Rai- 18 she/her

Whit (Kai) - 18 they/them

here, have some rlly crappy doodles of the characters!! (oh and zip is there)

In order! Zip, Rai, Cami and Min

If you have any suggestions for the story, feel free! Like insult ideas, or who i should add from FDE

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If you have any suggestions for the story, feel free! Like insult ideas, or who i should add from FDE

Most of these insult ideas are from "JafJaf The GOAT" (Hilarious guy)

I'll update this as I go along!!

(Lemme know if I should make more stuff like this, satire or not! I also make some art of FDE, I might post that😻😻)

Thanks for reading, I hope u enjoy :)

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