Jackson Elijah Caniff

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Tessa's POV

We arrived at the hospital and Taylor ran inside. He came back out with a wheel chair. "Sit down baby." Taylor said. He pushed me into the hospital.

"Can I help you?" The lady sitting at the front desk asked.

"My fiance is in labor." Taylor said. A nurse came and wheeled me into a room. I changed into a gown and laid in the hospital bed.

"We are going to check to see how many centimeters dilated you are." The nurse said. "You are about 3 centimeters dilated." The nurse said. I nodded. "You all can come in now." She said. Taylor, My mom, Taylor's mom ,And Lys all came walking in.

"Hey." Lys said giving me a hug. "How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Well i'm having bad contractions." I said. She just nodded her head. Taylor walked over beside my bed and gave me a kiss.

"It's okay baby it will be worth the pain when our baby boy is here and you are holding him for the first time." Taylor said. I smiled at the thought of that.

Taylor's POV

I felt terrible seeing Tessa in so much pain. It broke my heart but I knew it would all be worth it in the end. My thoughts were interrupted when the nurse came in. "You are now 6 centimeters so we are going to give you an epidural." The nurse said to Tessa. She nodded. "You are all going to have to step out of the room for this." The nurse said. We all went and waited in the hallway.

I decided to make a tweet that said So excited..Not much longer now!#BabyCaniff. After the nurse was done she told us we could go back in the room. "I kind of want to walk up and down the hall." Tessa said.

"Ill go ask the nurse." I said. I went out into the hall to ask the nurse.

"Yes she can,that will help her labor go faster." The nurse said. I nodded and walked back into the room.

"The nurse said yes but someone needs to be with you." I said. I helped her out of the bed then we slowly walked up and down the hallway. A couple hours later her contractions started getting worse.

"Let's go check how many centimeters you are now." The nurse said. The nurse walked her back into the room and checked. "She is fully dilated,the doctor will be in in a couple of minutes." The nurse said to me as she walked out of the room.

A couple minutes later the doctor walked in. He put on some gloves and told Tessa to get ready to push. I was holding one of Tessa's hands and Lys was holding the other one.

"Okay on my count push!" The doctor said. "I,2,3 push!" He said.

After what seemed like forever of pushing out came a handsome little boy. I cut his cord then the doctors took him to get washed up. They moved us to a room that we would be staying in for the next couple days.

I decided to make a tweet so all the fans would know that he was here. The tweet said My little guy is here!:) I'm officially a daddy! #BabyCaniff

Tessa's POV

We got a room then the doctor brought are baby boy back and after holding him for a couple minutes I gave him to Taylor.

Taylor kept staring at him and smiling so I decided to take a picture and post it on twitter. It said Jackson Elijah Caniff is officially here at 10:56 PM weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces and mommy and daddy are in love with him already!:)

A while later everyone started to come visit. After what seemed like so many visiters we put Jackson to sleep in his bed. I decided to check twitter. I seen that #BabyCaniff was trending. I smiled and decided to look at all the tweets about him.

Shawn Mendes said Met my new little handsome god son today! He's the most adorable little man. #BabyCaniff. I decided to favor his tweet.

My brother Johnson tweeted i'm an uncle!:) Couple weeks and i'll be a daddy too!:) Congrats to my sister and bro. #BabyCaniff #BabyJohnson. Gilinsky pretty much tweeted the same thing.

The last tweet I saw was from Tasha and it said Got to meet my new little handsome god son/nephew today!:) #BabyCaniff.

So many fans were also saying really nice stuff about Jackson. I smiled. It was nice to see so many positive things and not any negaitive.

Taylor smiled at me as if he read my mind. Taylor got my bag that he packed full of clothes for me. I was very uncomfortable in the hospital outfit so the nurse told me I could change into my own clothes. I changed into a pair of Taylor's black and grey sweatpants with a grey hodie that said pink on it. And i wore a pair of tie dye bear slippers that Taylor bought me.

"I love you baby and i'm so proud of our handsome little guy, you did an excellent job." Taylor said kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. We cuddled in my hospital bed until we both fell asleep.

Authors note

Hey guys i hoped you liked the chapter!:) Sorry about any misspelling or mistakes, i'm writing on my laptop and it doesn't fix my spelling lol. The tweets and the picture of Taylor and the baby and Tessa's outfit is pictured above. Please vote and comment if u think I should do a chapter about Lys having her baby. Bye for now. Love you all!

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