Jackson James Johnson

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Tessa's POV

I woke up to someone talking. I opened my eyes and saw Taylor holding Jackson and he was talking to him. I looked at them and smiled. My boys, I thought to myself.

"Good morning beautiful." Taylor said walking over to me and giving me a kiss.

"Morning my two handsome boys." I said back. Taylor handed me Jackson and I laid him on the hospital bed. I was talking to him and he was smiling at me.

"Hurry take a picture of him smiling." I said. Taylor grabbed both are phones and took pictures of him smiling. Tasha walked in and smiled.

"How's my handsome nephew?" She asked.

"Good we got pictures of him smiling." I said showing Tasha the pictures.

"Send those to Shawn and I!" She demanded. "Here I got you two breakfast because I know how nasty hospital food is." She said handing us a Burger King bag.

"Thanks." Taylor and I said. Tasha was holding Jackson well Taylor and I ate our breakfast. The nurse walked in.

"You guys can go home today." "Jackson is a healthy little boy." She said. "You just have to fill out some release papers then you will be good to go." She said handing me the papers.

About an hour later I finished filling out all the paper work and the nurse came back to get it.

"Okay you guys can go home now." She said. I had to get wheeled out in a wheel chair because that's the hospitals rule. I held Jackson and Taylor pushed the wheel chair out to the car. Taylor took Jackson and put him in his car seat and I sat in the back next to him.

We drove to my house. When we got there I got out and grabbed the car seat. We walked inside and Kylie ran up to us. She was 3 now.

"Taylor!" She said running up to him and giving him a hug. He smiled and hugged her back. "Sissy!" She yelled running up to me.

"Shhhh." I said pointing down at the car seat.

"Is that Jackson?" Kylie asked.

"Yes." I said smiling at her.

"Can I hold him?" She asked.

"Ya but you have to sit in the chair." I said. She smiled and ran over to sit in the chair. I got Jackson out of his car seat and handed him to Kylie. She was holding him and smiling.

I took a picture and decided to put it on instagram captioning it Kylie meeting Jackson <3. So many commented on it saying stuff like awe and they are so cute!

Jackson started crying so I made him a bottle and we went upstairs. Taylor burped him and he fell back to sleep so we put him in his crib. "We need to find a house of our own now." I said to Taylor. He nodded agreeing with me.

"Lets look online." He said. I grabbed my laptop and searched houses in LA for sale. We found this really big white one with an in ground pool and hot tube. "We should go look at it tomorrow." Taylor said. I agreed. I texted my mom

T=Tess M=Mom

T: Hey mom could you watch Jackson tomorrow so Taylor and I can fly to LA to look at a house?

M: I have off tomorrow so yes I will

T: Thanks love u mom

M: Love u too...gtg get back to work.

"Mom said yes she will watch Jackson tomorrow." I said to Taylor.

"Good." He said. Then my phone started ringing non stop. I answered it

T=Tess J=Johnson

T: Hello

J: Hey Lys is in labor and shes already almost fully dilated. You need to get to the hospital ASAP!

T: Alright im coming!

J: Okay bye.

"I have to go to the hospital, Lys is about to have the baby." I said to Taylor.

"Ok ill watch Jackson and Kylie." He said. I grabbed the car keys and rushed to the hospital.

"Can I help you?" A nurse asked.

"Yes my friend Lys Grier is in labor." I said. The nurse showed me to the room she was in.

"Okay Lys we need you to get ready to push." The doctor said. I grabbed Lys hand and she squeezed it so tight. Next thing I know my little nephew came. He was so adorable.

The nurse took him to wash him and dress him. We all went to Lys room and waited for the baby to come back. "So what are you naming him?" I asked Lys.

"Jackson James Johnson." She said smiling. I thought it was a cute name. It was weird how both of our sons names were Jackson. My thoughts were interrupted when Jackson was brought into the room.

"Would you like to hold him Tess?" Lys asked. I nodded and picked him up.

"He's so handsome and he looks so much like Jack." I said smiling at him. After holding him for a long time I handed him over to Jack.

"So Talyor and I are flying to LA tomorrow to look at a house." I told Lys.

"I wish we could go." Lys said motioning to her and Johnson.

"Maybe the doctors will let you out tomorrow?" I said.

"Ya I'll talk to them about it and let you know later." Lys said.

"Okay well I have to get back home to Taylor and Jackson." I said giving Lys and Johnson hugs.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while.... I don't have internet right now but hopefully I will soon. I'm starting a new book called Heartbreak girl so check it out! :) Thanks for so many reads I seriously love you guys! Sorry about the short chapter but I wanted to write at least something for yall....Anyways hope you guys enjoy this chapter next update will be asap! Don't forget to vote! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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