The baby shower

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Tess' POV
I woke up to Taylor greeting the baby good morning. I struggled to open my eyes and gave a weak smile.

"Good morning baby." Taylor said kissing me. "what do you want for breakfast princess."

"Eggs and bacon." I smirk.

"With orange juice?" He asked.

"Course." I giggled

Taylor went to cook breakfast for me. I was talking to the baby.

"How you doing baby boy." I rubbed my stomach. I felt a strong kick towards my hand. "I am taking that as you are doing great."

"Mommy really can't wait until you're here baby boy." I said smiling at the thought of him being here with me.

"Here's your breakfast baby." Taylor said walking in.

"Thanks." I said giving him a kiss. I finished eating and I was about to take my dishes down to the sink.

"Let me take them." Taylor said taking the dishes. Ever since I've gotten closer to having the baby Taylor thinks he has to do every little thing for me. Don't get me wrong it's cute but I don't want him to do everything for me all the time. I decided to just brush it off and take a shower. After I was done showering I walked out into my bed room. I saw a note with an outfit laying on the bed. The note said:

I've picked out an outfit for you put it on!:) Lys will be there soon then someone will pick you up and take you to your suprise!;) xoxo Taylor❤️

I smiled a surprise for me? I thought to myself. I got dressed and braided half my hair and put the rest up into a ponytail. I decided to go down stairs and get a snack. I got some peanut butter cookies. I went to sit on the couch and the door bell rang.

"Come in!" I screamed.

"Hey." Lys said waking in.

"Hey how's my little nephew?" I asked smiling.

"I think he's almost ready to come out." Lys said smiling back.

"Same." I said.

"So I wonder what Taylor has planned?" I said. Lys made a face like she was trying to think. Then there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Lys and I both screamed. It was Tasha.

"Well then no need to scream at me." She said walking in. We all laughed at the face she made when she said that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Tasha.

"I'm taking you to your suprise." She said. Tasha put bandanas over my eyes. Then she led me out to her truck and pushed me in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You will see when we get there." Tasha said.

After bout 15 minutes the truck stopped. "Can I take this bandana off now?" I wondered.

"No,not yet!" Tasha said. Tasha took me inside Lys followed behind us and they sat me down in really comortable chair.

"Hey princess." Taylor's voice echoed behind me.

"Uh what?" I said in a questiony tone.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Taylor's voice approached me. He smeared something creamy on my cheek. I ripped the bandana off my face and stood up. Taylor looked at me and started laughing.

"Suprise!" Everyone said. I looked around and a tear escaped from my eye.

"Awe don't cry." My best friend Matt said hugging me.

"Yeah this is suppose to be a happy party." Tasha said causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm sorry,I only rubbed frosting on your face, I didn't mean to make you cry." Taylor said. I giggled and gave Taylor a kiss which got frosting on his face.

"You didn't use the actual cake did you?" I asked.

"Oh no we didn't even buy a cake." Gilinsky joked laughing. I looked his way with wide eyes. "What!" I stuck out my bottom lip.

"He's kidding, and I used a different cake." Taylor reached behind him. He pulled his hand out from behind his back and rubbed cake on my face.

"Taylor Michael Caniff I may be pregnant but I can kick your ass!" I shouted grabbing a handful of cake and throwing it at his face.

"Watch the bandana!" He yelled putting his hands over his head.

"Ok time for presents." Lys said.

"First i need to get this frosting off my face!" I shouted.

"Ill help get it off." Taylor said winking and running over to me.

"Bro that's my sister!" Blondie and JG said in sync. Matt came out of the kitchen handing me a wash cloth. I was about to wipe the frosting off when Taylor licked my face.

"Yummy." He said.

"Ewww." I said slapping him. I wiped the rest of the frosting off with the wash cloth. We played games and ate food. Then Taylor and I started opening presents.

"Here open mine first." Tasha said handing us a huge present. We opened it. It was a baby stroller with a baby car seat.

"Thanks." I said hugging Tasha. She smiled. We opened more presents. "Thanks everyone for the gifts." Taylor and I both said smiling. I went to the bathroom because I felt like I peed my pants. I realized that my water had broke. I started freaking out. Taylor came running in.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"I think my water broke." I said. I fell down onto the ground. Then Taylor started freaking out.

"Mom can you come here?" Taylor screamed. Taylor's mom came running in.

"What's wrong?" She asked him.

"Tessa's water broke and she just fell." He said panicking.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I'm having really bad contractions." I said.

"Ok we need to take her to the hospital." She said to Taylor. They helped me up and we walked out to Taylor's car. I got in and we started driving to the hospital with everyone following behind us.

Authors Note

Sorry for the cliff hanger. Hope you like the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment and follow!:) Thanks for 1K! Also i want to add some new characters so if anyone is intrested in being in this book message me on here! :) Bye for now.

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