Starscreams wrath

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No one's POV:
After Starsream woke up, he saw Skyfire asleep with Sparkscreen in his arms. Starscream got up and walked to the main room where he grabbed a cube of energon, everyone stared at him and watched his every move. Starscream didn't care, he sat down and watched the kids play their game. Ratchet looked exhausted and hunger, he was at work on a project, he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Starscream got up and grabbed another cube and walked over to Ratchet, everyone watched him. Ratchet looked at him in confusion, Starscream handed him the cube, "eat." Starscream said sleepily. "I'll be fine, plus you all need it more," said Ratchet refusing to grab the cube. "Ratchet....I'm going to say this as calmly as I can cause my patience is a short line, grab the cube and fragging eat, for the time I've been here I've seen you eat once and only recharge once, so take the cube and go recharge," Starsream said handing him the cube. "No-" "that wasn't an option! Or choice!" Yelled Starscream, like a mad carrier who was mad at their sparkling. Ratchet grabbed the cube and walked to his room, drinking some on the way. Everyone was shocked since Ratchet didn't even eat or recharge when they told him, he wouldn't even do it if it was from Optimus. Starscream walked back to his seat and sat down, everyone watched him with shock. "Is there something you need?" Starscream said with irritation. Everyone looked away and went back to what they were doing.

Meanwhile at the Nemesis:
As Soundwave gave everyone energon to eat, Quickspark left his food untouched, he seemed like he was thinking. Frenzy had introduced Quickspark to Ravage and Lazerbeak. Quickspark ate his energon about 30 minutes later after smelling it. He ate it since it wasn't poisonous to him. Soundwave was working on his work and got a comm, from Starscream at the Autobot base. Soundwave answered the comm, but he didn't track the signal it was coming from, "Soundwave...with little patience I have right now. Where is the Nemesis at this moment?" Starscream said with the most calm voice he could use. Soundwave sent him coordinates to the Nemesis since he knew Starscream was worried about his sparkling. Soundwave puts a thumbs up and nods, Starscream nods, "thank you." Everyone in the base was confused why Soundwave, the third in command, gave them the coordinates. Starscream asked to see Quickspark and Soundwave picked him up and showed the Sparkling, who had fallen asleep, to starscream. Starscream smiled and thanked him before hanging up.

With the Autobots:
"Why did he give you the coordinates?" Asked Arcee with suspicion, "he's my Amica Endura." Everyone was surprised but weren't complaining. Miko who didn't know much about cybertronians said, "are you cheating on Skyfire, your Cunjunx Endura?" Starscream looked at her and spoke with a calm voice, "An Amica Endura means a long-term best friend, me and Soundwave have been friends since we were sparklings." Miko took the information and nodded, showing she took the information. Ratchet put in the coordinates into the ground bridge and got it ready, as soon as Ratchet opened the ground bridge, Starscream flew right through with no warning. "Autobots! Transform and roll out!" Yelled Optimus as they all transformed, everyone soon went through the portal right after. Skyfire stayed behind with Ratchet and watched over Sparkscreen.

On the other side of the ground bridge:
As soon as they were through the ground bridge, they saw Starscream beating up a Decepticon, with a pile of unconscious Decepticons behind him. Everyone was a bit shocked on how Starscream knocked them all out within a nano-klick(seconds). Starscream then went inside the Nemesis and ran to where Megatron would be, everyone followed behind him and shot at any Decepticons that tried to sneak towards them. When they arrived, where Megatron was sitting on his throne, they all got ready to fight. Starscream in a pit of rage yelled, "Where is my sparkling, you glitch!" Megatron got up and chuckled, "your sparkling is fine, but once I'm done with you, I wouldn't say the same." When Starscream was about to attack Megatron, Soundwave walked in with Quickspark in his arms, "Starscream?" Said Soundwave, Starscream turned to the voice and saw his Sparkling, he ran over and hug Soundwave and then his sparkling, Megatron lunges to attack Starscream but Optimus blocked him. "I will not let you ruin a moment between a carrier and their sparkling, and I will not let you play with my feelings as a distraction again!" Megatron then remembered how he had kissed the prime so Lazerbeak could kidnap Quickspark, Megatron for some reason felt....sad? Megatron turns and goes back to his throne and sits down, Optimus and everyone was confused. Starscream was thanking Soundwave and then said hello to Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, and Lazerbeak, though he was confused, there was usually 5, but he didn't question it. Optimus got closer to where Megatron sat and wondered why he didn't attack....

Hii, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter I might write about how Starscream fought the Decepticons in only a few seconds, and then the chapter continues. Also this is the second longest chapter with 908 words. Byeeee have a good day/night.

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