chapter 1-World of fire

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Smoke. That was all I could smell. That was all there was to smell, and if I didn't smell it, that meant I was about to smell something worse. I don't think that there's a need for an introduction. It's not like you're real after all. You're just...Me, but like deeper me a me that I'm not acquainted with, a me that I may never get acquainted with not that that's an issue, of course.

Staring at the sky, I see nothing by the seemingly endless expanse of clouds. That was all that was there. All that ever was there and all that would ever be there. She kept telling me that she once saw a clear sky of white clouds and little specs called stars. She always asked me to imagine them so I could picture the world that we were fighting for, for the, as she called it, "real world," but we are in the real world, she talks like this world isn't what it's meant to be but I just can't imagine it any diffrent from what it is.

"Staring off into space again?" I heard a feminine voice call from behind. I turn and see her, a slim built feline with firey red eyes that would always stare at me with that same burning intensity, no aggression, no negativity, hatred, rage, disgust, I could never see those in her stare, she put her mitten covered hands onto her hips and tilted her head "Well? Are you gonna answer me or keep staring like a ding bat practically begging to be swatted?" She said, giving me a playful smirk and chuckle, which I returned in kind with my own.

"Well, your Highness, if you didn't want me to stare, you shouldn't be so adorable," I said, chuckling as I turned to face her. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head, acting annoyed while her tail slowly stayed too and fro. She always did this acting like she didn't like my compliments in order to keep that calm, cool, and stoic demeanor she always had about her, but she couldn't hide what she felt from me, I knew her all of my life, however long that was.

"Well, if you must stare at something, stare at the future," she said, which made me nearly sigh. The big speech again, she'd always say it whenever she had the chance, don't get me wrong, I appreciate her enthusiasm, but she always talks like it's an inevitability and I just don't believe it. "This world has been covered in flame encased in an illness, but with all illnesses they pass as the body gets stronger and the earth like our bodies will become stronger when we fight this infection off we just need to keep training and reaching new heights," she said before her gaze almost grew more focused on me staring at me with a more intense, clear, and serious gaze, it was unnerving, she was never so...I'm not sure how to word it she was just looking at me diffrent, "Do you understand Silver?"

That snapped me out of my silence. In a nod, I spoke, "Yes Blaze, I understand," I said, yet despite what I said, it still felt like I was missing something crucial she was trying to communicate with me but I internally shook the thoughts that I was missing something away if there was I'd learn about it in time, Blaze always had this way of turning everything into a lesson that would make me grow not that I ever understood why she operated like that she just kind of did.

Blazes gaze eased, and that small smile I always knew when she was satisfied sprouted on her face, "Good," she spoke in a tone that was smooth like butter before turning around "we need to head back to the village, they started getting worried about you," immediately my head tilted confused before saying "worried? About me? Why? I've only been gone - " Blaze turned her head to me, interrupting me. "For three hours, they got worried enough to think the beast got to you," Blaze said before facing me again, this time slightly annoyed, "Speaking of those three hours. What exactly were you doing here on your own for three hours without any backup in case you got attacked?"

That wasn't really a question. That was an order to give a report, which made me straighten up and give a salute as protocol, "N-nothing really ma'am... I just needed some air and time to think," I said in hesitation, my eyes locking onto hers. She, in turn, locked her eyes onto mine, almost reading my eyes like a book while staring into hers, which were like a void from which there was no beginning yet no end. She eventually nodded in approval and turned away from me. "Good."

the silver sun, a Silver the hedgehog fanficWhere stories live. Discover now