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𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙰𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗
───────────●───── 03:41

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I always hated moving, having to repeat the same process of packing stuff bringing it back towards your new home and unpack

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I always hated moving, having to repeat the same process of packing stuff bringing it back towards your new home and unpack. Too much work if you asked me. I didn't have much to bring with me from our old home so it wasn't that bad, yet my body felt sore after managing to put everything in their places.

Now living in a 2 story house, room I had picked out was on the second floor and had some good amount of space incase I managed to get any new furniture or decorations in the future. It was nice to have a large window near my bed, it also came with a pretty view of the front lawn to the neighbors houses.

I laid on my bed scrolling endlessly on media and texting friends to pass time, I heard a soft knocking on my door. "Come in!" I turned off my phone and viewed the door.

"[𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮]?" The door slowly pushed open as my mom called out to me.

"Hey sweetie, we decided to take a break on packing and-" she stop to view around my room with an amused look to her face. "Well looks like you got done rather fast?" She added as she walked towards me and sat on my bed. "So... how are you taking the move?" She started with a rather sympathetic smile, "I know this was so sudden, but understand that this was our only option on keeping our jobs. Me and your father couldn't keep driving long distances as now it's become too pricey to travel, even with gas." She explained to me, hoping to ease any stress that stuck with me within these past few days.

"No, I get it. It's a bit overwhelming that's all." I gave her a smile reassuring her.

"That's good to hear. I also forgot to mention this to you on our way here-" she pulled out her phone before continuing "but I had looked for any schools around here that could help get you a high gpa." She stated, scrolling through her phone before handing it to me, an image shows of a rather big and plain white school. The exterior looked nicely kept while everything else seemed pretty normal.

"I even spoke with the principal and she had mentioned that they're pretty strict with grades but I'm sure you'd have no problem with that. I think this school is perfect for you—..." her words became tuned out as I was reminded of my achieving education status.

Right. So this is the part where I mention I've been an A+ student ever since nearing the end of my elementary years. While yes collage sounds nice and pretty tame than normal school, working hard to gain acceptance has been hell. Now both of my parents have the expectation of me passing this year with a nearly to perfect score. It's starting to become tiring.

"You'll be walking to the school as it's only 10 or so minutes as walking distance."

I blinked away my clouded mind, turning to her with a confused expression.
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch on what you mentioned Ma..." I apologized to her. She waved her hand indicating she wasn't upset. "I said the school's name is Fundamental Education and that it's a private school. You'll be walking there since it's not far." She restated to me.

"Your first day will be this Monday, so I suggest you take the rest of this week to rest." She finished before walking towards the door frame asking what I wanted for take out before leaving me to lay with my thoughts. Laying back down on my bed with the ceiling to stare at, I began to process everything she mentioned to me.
Curiously, I took out my phone to search more on this school and any info I can pick up on it. More pictures popped up than what my mom originally showed me, past ratings appeared to be positive, and checking the supposed school's website. In all honesty it looked really promising to me and I had my hopes up. I felt more so eggar for Monday to reach, maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.


"I'm gonna like this school."


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