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𝙸 𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝚂𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝙾𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚔 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚜
───────────●───── 03:10

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Our next stop, science. Engel and I walked into a new room, one with posters of scientific images and a massive poster of the periodic table plastered at the back of the class. A few other students walked in after us and took their seats, before me and Engel could, I had to introduce myself to the science teacher. I scanned through the class to see what looks like the classroom's back closet open, I let go of Engel's hand and made my way to the back of the class. Before I could take a proper peak inside, the door opens widely to a woman with a white lab coat and goggles, carrying a few glass tubes and a metal like container. She quickly walked to the lab table in front of the class and had set the items she carried down and arranged them to specific places. I viewed her actions curiously as I now walked up to her desk.

"Uh excuse me Miss?"

The lady turns her gaze towards me, a sharp toothy smile she gave me... jeez. Talk about creepy. "Ah, you must be the new student that Circle was talking about. My name is Miss Bloomie, pleasure to have you in my class." She introduces herself and welcomes me within her class. "You know... we were supposed to have a test over this week's lesson, yet that wouldn't be fair towards you. SO! I wanted to set up a little science experiment for our last session." She explained while she happily clapped her hands together in excitement. I questioned exactly what she planned on doing for this "science experiment" that same sharp toothy grin came back with her reply becoming more sinister.

"You'll see."

With that, the bell rang and class starts. I look back at the now full classroom to find Engel's eyes looking at me. He waved his hand over for me to sit next to him, I made my way to an empty desk near his and took a seat. Engel then turned his view on 2 others that sat next to him. A girl who had sock puppets for hands and a boy who had a rather feminine appearance, to top his appearance off, a little bow was placed on top of his head. Engel conversed with the two before the 3 had their gaze towards me.

Engel introduced me to the two, Lana and Abbie. Lana did more of the talking rather than Abbie, which was alright. Maybe he was just shy? While getting to know them both, lana mentioned about the possibility of failing Miss Circle's class, so I offered to help her with some math sheets that was given to her by Miss Circle. Turns out Abbie also needed the help as well, and I was more than glad to help out the two. Yet again, the conversations had to end as Miss Bloomie had called out for the class room's attention, now just starting her experiment.

"Now...I would make you all write down notes, but I'm feeling nice enough to show you a physical example of when two chemicals created a substance."
Miss Bloomie announced as she held a clear normal looking liquid to show to the class. "This is water, right? Looks pretty normal. Yet as you would know, most reactive liquids are usually clear, so you wouldn't know what would be mixed within the water." She explained before placing down the little glass tube of water, now picking up a brown glass bottle. "This is Hexane, a clear yet thin liquid that produces gas when opened." She opened the bottle and poured some within a new and empty glass tube, before closing up the brown bottle and lifting up the tube containing Hexane. "Anyone can easily mistaken this liquid as water, I mean it's very clear so who wouldn't assume it's water? So what if I added some of that Hexane into the water?" She then took the hexane tube and poured some into the water tube, yet with the two liquids combined, nothing seemed to change.

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