Part 10

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Lying in bed, Haru wondered about how his plan about seeing Gou after leaving Makoto's place, was interrupted by Rin's invitation for a run. Despite the physical exhaustion from the run, Haru found himself wide awake in the night, scheming how he could spend time with Gou next day, without causing any misunderstandings or raising suspicions, especially from Rin.

As he finally drifted off to sleep, Haru's dreams centered around Gou in a way that was new and confusing for him.

Haru and Gou embraced in the dimly lit room, their bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace. Haru's hands traced the curves of Gou's body, exploring every contour with a gentle touch. He could feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips, the warmth of her body radiating through the fabric of her clothes.

Gou's breath hitched as Haru's lips met hers, their mouths melding together in a rough kiss. His tongue brushed against hers, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from her lips as they lost themselves in the sensation of each other.

With a gentle push, Haru guided Gou back onto the bed, their movements fluid and instinctual. He hovered over her, his weight supported by his arms as he looked down at her with a mixture of desire and adoration.

As their kisses deepened, Haru's hands began to explore further, trailing down the curve of Gou's neck and across her collarbone. His fingers found the hem of her shirt, lifting it slowly as he exposed the smooth expanse of her skin beneath.

Gou arched her back in response, offering herself to him completely as he continued to explore her body with a delicate touch. She could feel the heat of his skin against hers, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through her veins.

With trembling hands, Haru continued to undress Gou, his movements careful and deliberate as he removed each article of clothing with a reverence that bordered on worship. He paused for a moment to admire the sight before him, Gou's naked form bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, her beauty a sight to behold.

Their bodies pressed together once more, skin against skin as they reveled in the intimacy of their connection. Haru's hands roamed over Gou's body, exploring every inch of her with a hunger that threatened to consume him.

Gou arched into his touch, her breath coming in short gasps as pleasure surged through her veins. She could feel the heat building between them, a fire that burned with an intensity that was impossible to ignore.

And as they finally succumbed to the overwhelming tide of passion, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

As the early light of dawn crept in through his window, the sharp knock on the door jolted Haru awake, detangling him from his not so good dreams about his sister's friend. Yawning, his bare feet padded across the wooden floor, muscles stretching languidly as he approached the door.
Opening it revealed Gou, her gaze lingering involuntarily on his defined arms, the blush on her cheeks deepening as he caught her staring.Gou's gaze swept over Haru, taking in the subtle and not-so-subtle changes time had etched upon him.

He seemed taller, his frame filling the doorway with an ease and presence she hadn't noticed before. There was a broadness to his shoulders that spoke of rigorous training and discipline, a physical testament to the hours he spent perfecting his craft in the water.

"You've grown, Haru..." Gou muttered, her words soft but deliberate. "You're taller, aren't you?" Her eyes traced the line of his shoulders down to where his triceps hinted at the strength beneath the skin, even in the relaxed stance he held against the door frame.

He observed her and offered a small, almost imperceptible nod, his whole plan to fluster her a bit. "A little," he conceded. "Swimming builds more than just stamina."

She stepped closer, her curiosity piqued as she wanted to see the new contours of his muscles—a map of strength that hadn't been there in their younger days. "And not just taller. You're more... filled out. Solid." Her hand hovered in the air, as if illustrating the breadth of his physique, yet she refrained from making contact, respecting the space between them.

Haru watched her, a mix of amusement and curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Is that a good thing?" he asked, his voice laced with a playful note.

"It's a... surprising thing," Gou admitted, allowing her gaze to meet his. "In a good way. You were always so lean, so focused on being streamlined for the water. But now, you look strong, like you could handle more than just the currents."

Haru shifted slightly, an unspoken acknowledgement of her words. "The water demands more, and so I had to become more," he said simply.

There was a pause as Gou absorbed this, her eyes still locked onto his. "It suits you," she said finally, a sincere note to her voice. "You look... ready. For whatever comes your way, in or out of the pool."

Haru observed her quietly, noting her familiar ponytail, the way her black wide pants draped over her legs, the blue tank top that hugged her frame, and the white crop jacket she wore. Despite the early hour, her chirpiness and eagerness for conversation were unmistakable. Nodding in acknowledgment, he stepped aside and let her in.
Once inside, Gou took in the sparse, clean lines of Haru's living space. It was as uncluttered and serene as the man himself, reflecting his essence in every angle and shadow. Haru gestured towards the bed, an invitation to make herself comfortable as he busied himself with straightening up the covers.
Finding a shirt, Haru slid into it, his movements as fluid and precise as his swimming. Gou watched openly, no longer feeling the need to avert her eyes, the night where they had shared experiences came back like a blow to her as she observed him more.
Haru, buttoning his shirt, cleared his throat, seeking her eyes. "So, what's got you up and about so early?" he asked, his tone light, belying the intrigue in his eyes.
Gou's gaze dropped to the floor, her hands playing with the hem of her crop top. "I woke up hungry," she confessed, "and for some reason, I was really craving saba. I didn't want to wake Rin... so I thought, maybe..." The sentence hung in the air, unfinished but understood.

Haru's surprise lasted only a moment before he smiled, a silent acknowledgment of the request. "Wait here. I'll get started on the saba."As Haru disappeared into the bathroom, Gou's fingers trailed over a dolphin plushie, a whimsical reminder of Haru's aquatic affinities. Her touch was gentle, almost reverent.

Emerging moments later, Haru donned his apron, a domestic warrior armed for culinary battle. Gou's attention was rapt as she watched him expertly maneuver the fish over the flame, its flesh sizzling as it cooked to perfection under his careful watch.

"Could you show me how you do that?" Gou's voice was firm, belying the nervous flutter in her stomach.

Haru glanced at her, a nod his simple assent. "Can you start the kettle? We'll have tea with it."

Their hands met fleetingly as Haru passed her the teacups, a spark of connection flaring between them. Gou's heart raced, her grip on the cups nearly failing as she steadied them in her hands.

In the small kitchen, every movement was amplified, every glance held meaning. As Gou set the tea to brew, Haru plated the saba, with some pineapple with the same precision he applied to his swimming.

He offered her a plate, they had their breakfast listening to the city coming alive around them. Gou's eyes shone with appreciation, her taste buds awakening with the burst of flavors from the saba.

Haru watched her enjoy the meal, the sight engraved in his memory like a precious moment preserved in amber.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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