Chapter 6: Murders

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"The girl from the party...last night we slept together but you took my money." Anthony said laughing at first then became serious. I laughed because I wanted to make it seem that I was that girl, but I knew I wasn't that girl and I wasn't going to risk my cover being blown.

"I'm sorry honey but I don't just lay in the bed with anyone without getting something for myself." I blew him a kiss and left. I walked out the ballroom disgusted about that whole interaction, but happy that he didn't recognize me.

Before I had the chance to go back to the ballroom Jacob had come to me.

"Was my brother bothering you?"

"No he wasn't."

"Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure. Me and him don't get along and I wouldn't mind getting into a fight with him."

"Sorry I don't mean to intrude, how come you don't get along with your own brother isn't that blood?"

Before he even had the chance to speak, he stared deep into my eyes and looked at me, trying to understand what his next words were.

"Meet me in the men's bathroom if you really want to know why me and my brother are enemies."

He walked away faster than I could respond, and I felt that this was a set up, but this man doesn't know who I am and where I came from, but he was willing to tell me the history between his brothers. I let Alex know to keep guards nearby and I will alert if anything goes wrong. I had a gun holster on my right thigh and a knife holster on my left thigh. As I was walking towards the men's bathroom I looked at every guard and nodded. I entered the bathroom and he was standing with his back facing me.

"Lock the door."

I did it with no hesitation.

"Come here."

As I was walking towards him I didn't know what to expect.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Katherine nodded.

"Take them out and I will tell you the story." Katherine nodded once again and removed all her weapons.

"The reason I don't like my brother is because he took a deal from me and stole my money, people broke into my home to take the most valuable things and during the whole break in they tried to kill me and told me that Anthony sent them to kill me. I don't care if that is my blood brother, he tried to kill me. When I tried to confront him he laughed in my face and lied."

I was in shock and I can tell he was hurt by the betrayal of his own brother. As I walked up to him and I was face to face, I threw myself into his arms. I could tell he was in shock at first, but he hugged me back.

I felt where he was coming from, I have been in that position of feeling betrayal,

"I need you to know something, I feel I must be completely honest. My name is Katherine Lion. I am Noah Lion's fiancé and right now I am on a mission to kill your brother. He knew my father and when my father extended an invitation to spend the night he had taken advantage of me. He tried to kill Noah and everyone in my home. Luckily Noah wasn't there and I had been taking classes on how to fight so I was able to kill some of his men and get information out of one. Your brother tried killing me and my family like the coward he is. I know that you don't like Noah, but I had to leave him with no explanation. Only his mother knows, I love that man, it's killing me that I can't go home until Anthony is dead because as long as he is living he isn't going to stop."

Jacob was in shock, but I had to be honest about myself, maybe he can help me kill his brother.

"Wow, I didn't expect anything you just said, I don't like Noah because of some miscommunication, but I got over it. I'm so sorry that my brother did those horrible things to you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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