asterisk 0.6

15 1 0

It took merely those words for the necklace to appear on her desk, yet the few seconds it had parted into a questionable reality left it foreign to her touch and reeking of the metal her sheets had also been soiled by. It wasn't hers anymore, she could feel it.

She would never again touch the necklace, she would leave it to putrefy rather than to throw it out.

"Oh there it is," the boy spoke innocently, his slender fingers moving to retrieve the necklace and chain her with it.

"No!" she yelled, it had been too loud, sound waves travelling like tidal waves in the empty space, making it hard for her to negotiate the existence of her trembling voice. "No," she spoke softer this time, more solemn and desolate.

She brought her hand up to the side of her face again, mussing up the hair to scratch away the empty feeling. It was nonchalant at first a nervous fidget of a child and she enjoyed it.. Her temples turned crimson under the rough lines of her fingernails and she enjoyed it. Maybe she could scratch away her face starting at her temple. Until it felt like nothing was hers anymore, not her fingers, not her head and definitely not her mind. Until she could not control anything anymore.

Even after Ashton had pried her fingers away from her face and swiped her off into a sweet kiss, the burning irritated sensation didn't leave, it spread with every kiss he left. The pain becoming so unbearable, he might as well have been eating her alive. She screamed. He looked at her shock in his eyes, worry too.

"A-are you ok?"

She breathed heavily, catching a glint of herself in the mirror. Her skin was fair, no patches of pink skin graced with crimson gashes from feverishly scratching, not even a love bite graced her neck. Bringing her fingers to her neck, she noticed what, or rather who, wasn't there either: Ashton.

Her eyes shifted to the boy in front of her, an incredulous feature lacing them. "You're not real."

He tilted his head, a familiar, bewildered and ghoulish expression in his hazels. "You knew I wasn't."

She knew he wasn't. What did he mean by that.

"You know."

There was a flash of red in the corner of her eye and a flash of red in the reflection of herself she saw in his eyes. Suddenly the room was filled with those reflecting eyes all staring at her –deadly. His lips were moving speaking words that bounced of the bodies of his clones. Where he had once fulfilled her; he simply filled now. He occupied.

She went to sit back at her typewriter. The letters on the keys were buried under dust, but it didn't matter anymore. As long as she wrote it did not matter what the words were meant to signify. The writing being enough to drown out the hollow echo bellowing her in a language she no longer understood.

Her words grew like ivy on damp walls and soon they started crawling up and breaking the windows, letting light in. The illusions grimaced at the light and scurried away from the windows like rats.

Her beloved light, it had come to save her.

The girl's fingers reached towards the beams so hungrily and full of eager, she'd expected them to shy away at her touch.

A bee came flying in through the hole, delightfully buzzing in the late autumn sun, before it had to spend the entire winter in hibernation. Jealousy filled her lungs, almost choking her up as she shooed it back outside. She kept telling it that here wasn't where he wanted to be, but it wouldn't listen. It simply wouldn't listen.

Her home was not a place for a bee, there were no flowers or oxygen. It couldn't live there. The bee became flustered and in its panic it stung her. She screamed as if the little yell out of fright had just opened the floodgate and when she stopped she looked at the lifeless bee still stuck in her skin.

She'd killed it.

And then she just couldn't stop crying.

A/n: Oh, hello there! It's been a while has it not... School has greeted me with its end, so I greet you with a new chapter of this. Jumbly, dark and poetic as it always is and has been even before my life-long writer's block.

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