Chapter 8. A Prank?

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I could feel the sun's rays beaming on the side of my face indicating it was now some time in the morning.

As I rolled over taking the sheet with me I come to an abrupt stop as the events of last night come rushing back to me.

I let out a disappointed sigh

Last night


Sounding throughout the spacious room were delectable moans, groans and pants as the two made out like they were still a couple of horny teenagers
O'Deyne started to feel cracks skittering on the surface of his steely sense of self control.

Any trace of doubt and resolve Attara had about him and their already complicated relation became more and more distant as his large rough hand traveled and traced every inch of her body

His lips started kissing and marking her soft, smooth chocolatey skin, loving the feeling of her writhing beneath him, loving the control he had over her body which was very responsive to him.

His fingers made their way up her sweater and began circling her hard nipple, pinching and gripping until her back arched in pleasure.

Just he started to grind his hard member into her throbbing center making them both let out sounds of appreciation, the shrill sound of his phone ringing broke their lust filled haze.

Attempting to ignore it he continued his movements, whoever it was could wait.

The phone stopped ringing only for it to start again a second later.

He let out a sigh of annoyance. He broke away from their embrace to reach into his pocket.

"Ignore it" she panted

Retrieving the device he glanced down at the screen seeing it was his brother who was interrupting their moment.

Indecisive about whether he should answer or not.

Knowing his brother wouldn't call more than once if it wasn't important he answered the call with a grim expression.


His eyes quickly turned cold, no evidence left of their passionate session left.

Attara noticing this began fixing her clothes and hair trying make herself look decent once again.

O' Deyne took it upon himself to leave the room cursing under his breath not offering her a second glance.

A few minutes later he came back with that stoic expression of his which she found herself beginning to hate.

"Come, mi a carry yuh home" the base in his voice made her jump a little.

"Is everything okay?" she asked concerned about his sudden change in behavior.

"Yeh. Just need fi go sort out sumn" it was rather obvious he didn't want to disclose anything more and he was hoping she wouldn't pry

"At 12 in the morning?" She asked, one eyebrow raised, now standing with her hands on her hips.

"Attara" his gaze piercing, his tone leaving no more room for discussion.

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