°A New Beginning! °

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Hi my name is Eden before I begin I need to do a whole back story speech, long ago my mom fought for the world angst and evil man, doctor eggman. She was in a team of heroes all equally powerful, eventually they defeated eggman, My mother Amy Rose had many dreams including marrying the main leader Sonic. Sadly that never happened she married a guy named Florian, my dad he's super sweet I don't think she regrets it at all.

Ive only seen her friends in the old books/news reports and she's told me many stories. Anyway back to the present I'm in my room, getting ready for my first day at my new high school as a shompore, I wish I got to finish high school at my old school but no! My mom just got the ✨P e R f e C t ✨ Business offer And we moved across the state. Me a short, stubby girl with pinkish red qiuls. I applied my makeup and I heard my mom's loud heels clipping to my room, she has the money to replace the but I guess it's not that important. "He- Eden! Your not even close to being ready!?! Come on I don't want to make a bad impression on the first day!!". She grabs me and pulls me towards the front door "Do you know what classes your going to?!" "Yes" "Ok get in the car I need to get your father, he needs to help me get supplies to the shop". I get in the car, Damm I'm nervous, I wont know anyone there! Uhhhh WHY!


I arrive at the school and is bigger than my last one luckily I have a virtual guide, doesn't make me less scared tho. I walked in and quickly put stuff in my locker then run to my class. When I sit I look around at the kids and they look....eh.... Colorful? A bit after at lunch a student walks up to me and asked "hey are ya new?" "Um yes?" They started laughing, they had purple hair, black nails and heavy clothing. "Let me explain some stuff, you know social hyarcy and whatever, over there is the group of investigators, or they claim to be, then the Richest bitch at school ,Emery, don't be fooled by her Jules she's one strong Encina. Over there is the cool hippie girl, she's got some cool powers for a cat, and uhhh I don't think I'm forgetting anything important". Hmmm they look fun I guess.... hopefully I don't run into the Rich girl she looks scary.
"Uh thanks uh... whoever" "oh it's whatever, I'm in choir and band so....like talk whenever" they walk away, never giving me there name or pronouns.

Damm this food is good for school food, I noticed a couple of guys starring at me talking about something presumably me. When lunch is finished I have some time in study hall to figure out the school. Then I hear two boys behind me giggling "Hey new girl, come over" I turn around "what?" "You got a nice ass girl, come on over here!" "Yeah bitch get your ass over here!" I sand back, descusted "um No-No Thank you" "Ugh Come on Don't be a pussy, And give it to me!" " Us!" I start running but it's no use they Grab my arms. " Aaaa yeah, hold her down bro" "bro we got lucky let's-". He immediately gets punched in the face and the second boy runs off, I fall to the ground then I see a girl standing over me. She has long dark blue qiles, goth makeup, biker fit, Soap shoes And thick gloves "hey are you alright?" Her voice was smooth yet rigged "uhhhh....OH YES-Yes I'm okay!". "Those dicks have done that to many girls, I've made my job to stop them, the school doesn't care about people like, that's just their reputation, I'm Maia by the way".

She's beautiful, like in a cool way-not nevermind, we started walking together "so where you from" asked Maia. "Oh I only lived an hour away, like up in Rose Grove, didn't really want to move down to Anderson but oh well" . She looked at me with sympathy "why not?" "Ummm....see my mom, she's a business owner, and moving was the best opportunity for her, she also said "YoU neEd To gO To A MoRe SoPhiStIcAtED ScHooL, To LeARn HoW To bE A LadY" she's very traditional like that". She looked opposite of me "oh I see" she mumbled I asked "well not to be rude but is your mom traditional, because by the way you dress it doesn't seem like it?". She chuckles and looks at me warmly "well I don't have a mom-" I interject "oh! I'm so sorry I didn't kn-" she interrupted me "oh no- I have a surrogate mom, but I live and was raised by my two dads". Oh that makes sense, cool they probably don't care about her being traditional, man I wish I could wear cool stuff. "Oh you never told me your name?" She said"oh right I'm Eden, Eden Rose!" She stops "Rose?" She whispered then looked at me up and down "do you know where to go?" She changed her attitude so quickly I didn't even think of the question "umm OH-No" she ushered me to class. Then ran out of the room with her phone in her hand. I was so confused but I tried to focus on my teacher, already mad that I'm a bit late then I noticed this class has Emery the Rich girl, I'll try my hardest not to offend her at all.

////////END CHAPTER/////////

At some point I'll show you pictures of what they look like, but for now Wattpad keeps deleting them every time I publish, so sorry. 😓

°Sonic's Future° \\Sonic verse 20 Years later\\Where stories live. Discover now