Chapter 1: The child of Mal du siécle

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Side of Dr Veritas Ratio. . .
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"Doctor, Did you know there was once a scholar who is supposibly going to surpass you years ago?" Screwlum spoke to me. Surpass me? Now i'm curious, Why haven't I heard this type of person before?

I looked at Screwlum with a raised eyebrow. "Is that so? Why haven't I heard this particular person?" I tilted my head a little, curious what the person is like.

"Her title is the prodigous; The child of Mal du siècle.. but her actual name is Y/n "Délire" L/n." Screwlum told me, I was slightly familiar with the name though I unable to remember what she looked like, or even remember what she did... however I heard her story goes, A young child trying to find knowledge to feel the worth of living until it's no longer seen on what point she lived for.

"If she was suppose to surpass me, Then why isn't she so well known nowadays?" I asked, The answer is obvious just by her title however I stared Screwlum before having pause.

Screwlum made a move, sacrificing a queen in the chessboard. "She is born of the path of nihility unfortunately, She often is lost for everything."

The answer slightly unexpected, All I did was sigh as I muttered. "Truly an unexpected end." What a waste of talent. All her genius expertise all going to the Aeon of Nihility.

I sigh before mumbling. "I resign." I rolled my eyes, realizing how distracted I was by not being able to see the checkmate. What an ignorant baffoon I am..

"It appears I have won this time. Our rivalry had ended with a 7-7, Another draw." Screwlum said as he raised his hand for a handshake, which I ultimately shook.

I looked at the chess board, thinking of all the mistakes I did and pre-moving the next time I play with him again. "Well, Screwlum. I should get going, I shall go on boarding on the station now. My vacation has come to an end."

"I see. Then I shall see you next time, Doctor." Screwlum responded as he waved goodbye before I slowly walked out of Screwlum's station.

The Prodigy.. named Délire. A person who is delusional, on what basis exactly? My curiosity made my mind itch, As I paused.

Side of Y/n. . .
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I groaned before muttering. "Why does the sun keep rising?" I rolled off my bed, Another past by.

Hello, My name is Y/n. I am a prodigy of mathematics, and psychology.. even earning a degree at the age of 14.. but now after becoming 16, I felt more miserable than before. I was once visited by 3 Aeons from different factions and lived alone while my adoptive mother and adoptive father left me money, They both worked for the IPC as a white collared receptionist..

The first Aeon is the first one I served, Nous. First time I met him when I was a rather unparticulary foolish child that was blessed by him before being sent out to another planet.

I then follow my current Aeon, IX. The Aeon of Nihility, and often made me depressed because of how intense his philosophy could be.

Lastly, Aha.... The one that made me break the 4th wall, just like now. Haha. I don't feel too good... but don't worry, I won't abuse it too much since i'm only a character here.. and I only do it when Aha lets me so...

Here I am, Suffering in bed... unable to eat, drink, or have the motivation to move at all. Nous would be disappointed at me after what happened to all.

I sigh as I tried very best to get out of my loving bed, but sadly the blankets were warm and hugging me to stay... Although, I looked the other side of the room on top of my cabinet. It was laptop shinning bright as it seems like it was email formally written for me.

For some reason
I got up from my bed and felt alive.

I walked towards the laptopand read the email.

« To Y/n L/n,

Greetings from the IPC! This letter purpose is to invite you over to be a part of the Intelligentsia Guild to be part of the Synesthesia School! We welcome you with open arms. (You're scholarship is sponsored by the IPC!)
See more... »

"..What da fuck did I just read." I spoke before scoffing. "I dunno whether to call it offensive because I don't go to school anymore or called it a compliment, because I got a scholarship from it."

I sigh before going to my bed ad I lit up a cigarette, As I try to relieve the numbness I felt to myself. People say I should be happy with these.. gifts, but... Am I selfish for unable to appreciate the gifts I recieve?

I asked, before closing my eyes feeling like cancer is growing into me when I continue on smoking.

I am truly, a horrible child.
Truly, The child of Mal du siécle.

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