Chapter 3: Disagrements

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Side of Dr Veritas Ratio
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I have wanted to doubt that this... But this unbearable person is indeed Y/n, After she showed her credentials. I truly wanted to doubt her for being the Y/n.

"How could you possibly be great.. I'm even dragging you around to show the campus." I said, being sarcastic about the greatest Y/n then scoffed, as I dragged Y/n by the leg... which she was incredibly average weight... How did she even have the motivation to eat beforehand if thats the case?

"...Perhaps it might be because of how heavy I carry my knowledge." Y/n responded as I raised my eyebrow.

"What knowledge? You didn't even finish you're third degree." I responded as I scoff slightly before sighing and decided to carry Y/n bridal style.

"Atleast I was acknowledged faster than you, and has a better explaination than you in high school." Y/n smirked as she seems to have caught me off guard.

"Atleast i'm not depressed, nor follow the aeon that gives depression and doesn't have neglective adoptive parents." I gave emphasis on the adoptive part.

"Fuck you." Y/n responded as the smirk on her face completely wiped with annoyance.

I then smiles as I continued dragging Y/n away. "It would be wise if you didn't have such vulgar language in your vocabulary, It makes you like an idiot."

"It would be wiser if you didn't bring your rubber ducky in bath, It makes you look childlish." Y/n responded as she did make a point of doing so.

"Damn media-" I got interrupted by a shout.

"Will you both quiet down?! I'm trying to teach a class!" The old man shouted as he slammed the door shut.

I and Y/n became in sync.

"Rude." I stared at the teacher.
"Asshole." Y/n as well stared too.

We both went quiet for a moment as I said in a calm tone. "If you have troubles with bullies, or certain teachers then please do not contact me but the admistrators of disiplinary will handle it."

"I have no intentions of contacting you Dr Scarcity." Y/n responded with another smirk, making a mockery out of my name using the anatonym.

This insolent little brat, I admire that she may have the confidence and the self centered attitude but her lack of motivation makes her value into nothing.

I sigh and rolled my eyes as I gently hit her with my book ontop of her head as I continue dragging her around in school by leg once more.

Third Person's View
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The two geniuses were obviously in shambles into disagreements, and unable to coprehend nor understand ome another due to the lacking of empathy despite graduating into psychology (Y/n), or philosophy (Dr Ratio).

Constantly bashing againsts one another with either desires of curing the plague of ignorance, or living into a bliss of ignorance.

In the end, They parted ways with misunderstandings and hatred againsts one another.. Both think alike, But not agree alike.

The following days; Y/n is indeed exceptional! Topping the class on the first day, and not even breaking a single sweat! Which annoyed the Dr. Ratio to watch Y/n crumble her own talents into a bag of potato chips while hanging out with the rich kids instead of actually putting in some work.

"Yooooo.. Y/n, Thanks for letting me copy the homework earlier." The rich kid said, as they paid quite a hefty amount of cash with Y/n.

Y/n does her signiture grin, often indicating her cockiness, and worth. "No problemo, Plessure doing business." She was making quite a business, business is indeed booming for her.

Nowadays the young Y/n is at constant need of cash, Why? To fullfil her insatiable addiction of cigarettes, and alcohol. Quite vices for the young 16 year old, No? She knows it was harmful, and there are other coping mechanisms to do so.. but it wasn't so affective unlike an addiction who she constantly thought of harm one's self rather than losing one's mind.

Often enough, Drowning into sorrows of the constant tears of her dumbfounded mind. Thoughts of the Nihility, Drowning into her consuming her entirely without refusal.

Perhaps she is a potential emanator of Nihility?

The Doctor seems to be watching over the young genius, He may be one the most self-centered person but he wasn't a selfish prick. Often enough, Trying to observe the young woman's thought process trying his best to understand with empathy.

He often tries to approach the young Y/n, Unable to due to her dismissal saying that she does not seek for guidance, and she alone can work alone. He was unable to combat arguement because he too also works solo, He is unable to counter because they both do the same independable thing.

It's like a mirror, talking to a pessimistic young version of himself with a mindset of a the truly bitter truth and never the sour one.

Or... is it perhaps the truth is always not so much of one's liking? Maybe the truth is harsh for the both to handle.

Well that surely cannot be! Dr Ratio is one of the most intact genius in the universe, He surely would've known it by now? He is one of the few possible doctors to cure the ignorance all individuals and can handle all truths even the most heaviest one that one's can face.

Right ?

He's smart enough to handle it, Or know himself to cope with it. His curiosity is slowly digging his grave when it came Y/n, What is in her mind? How could she be in such a plague-

"Doctor, I know you're a smart individual looking after me however..." Y/n scratched her head, it she seems like she caught Dr Ratio pretty much looking ovet her. "You tend to forget one's person can be on the same coin, Nihility and Existence can be the same.."

She seems to be quite uncomfortable with the slight stalking from the older teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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