Match Interval: The offer

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In the interval between matches, Marshall and the others discussed what happened in the last match. "I'm not saying you're in trouble! I'm pleased you helped Hogan but did you notice anything strange while you were in there?" Chase asked. "Well despite his glassy eyes, I saw nothing unusual. But I think he was hypnotized!" Marshall said. "Hypnotized? I guess that makes sense. But who would want to hypnotize a wrestler?" Rocky asked. Just then Hogan came over. "Hey, did you kids see that guy who helped me back there?"  He asked. "Yeah!" Marshall said smiling. "Guy's name is Kuuga. In fact, we're pretty tight." "Cool! I wanted to thank him for his help during that last match." Hogan said. "I'll take a message." Marshall replied, smiling. "He doesn't know he's actually talking to Kuuga right now!" Zuma muttered under his breath.

As Hogan left, Zuma turned to Marshall. "That was a little too close." He warned Marshall "You almost let your secret slip!" "Hey, I didn't tell him it was me. Besides he wouldn't believe me anyway!" Marshall replied. "He's right you know. No one would believe Marshall was the Kamen Rider." Rocky said. "Heh, true." Zuma nodded as he realised that Rocky was right. "So, uh, who's wrestling next?" Just then a loud voice barked in the pups' direction. "You six! TEN-HUT!" It yelled as a man dressed like an army sergeant strolled over to them.

 "You six! TEN-HUT!" It yelled as a man dressed like an army sergeant strolled over to them

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"Oh no!" Marshall groaned. "It's that bully, Sergeant Slaughter!" "I HEARD THAT! Drop and give me 20!" Sergeant Slaughter barked at him. "Dang it!" Marshall groaned as he got down to do the 20 push-ups. "Wow! Sergeant Slaughter! I heard about you! It's an honour, sir." Chase said, saluting the superstar. "At ease Private." Sergeant Slaughter said. "How come Chase gets off easily!?" Marshall spluttered. "Drop it, Marsh. I don't think you'd want to do too many pushups." Chase whispered to his best friend. "Okay, you'll pay for that." Marshall warned him. "I heard a Paw Patrol squadron was present. You're the Adventure Bay Troop, correct?"  Sergeant Slaughter asked. "Yes sir!" Chase replied proudly.

Sergeant Slaughter smiled. "I heard about you kids. Good things too. You six may be in grade school but you've saved many lives and solved many strange cases." He said. "Saving lives is a dangerous business, but it's what we do." Chase said casually. "I see. Well we could really use your help." Sergeant Slaughter said. "This isn't the first time a wrestler has hurt another wrestler badly. Mr McMahon is worried that something is extremely wrong. If this gets out of hand, they'll have to cancel this year's Wrestlemania." Marshall stopped mid-pushup and tapped on the Decadriver setting it to scan mode. "Well, this sounds right up my alley." He said. "What can you do maggot?!" Sergeant Slaughter barked. "He actually has his uses when he's needed." Chase explained before introducing his best friend. "This is Marshall Onodera. The Paw Patrol Alpha Team's scientific advisor. We usually have him look into the most unusual cases."

"I see." Sergeant Slaughter said. "Well do me a solid and let me know if you kids saw anything strange after the match. Ok?" "You can count on us sir!" Chase said saluting the superstar. He then turned to Rocky and Marshall. "We're gonna need some scans of this place." "Already on it. Got the Decadriver scanning for any traces of cosmic energy." Marshall replied. "I'll tell K-9 to scan for unusual light patterns. Somethings gotta be causing this." Rocky added. "I appreciate you kids doing this. I'll let Mr McMahon know you kids are trying to solve this problem. Report to me after the match. But for now, DISMISSED!" Sergeant Slaughter barked. Then he walked off whistling Dixie.

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