Sergeant Slaughter Vs Undertaker

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Back at the ring, the other pups were still trying to examine the crime scene. But so far, they weren't having any luck. "I'm running every search pattern I can think of but I can't find anything that would normally cause this aggressive behavior!" Rocky said looking up from his tablet. "Keep looking." Chase said in a irritated tone. He picked up his phone and dialed in Marshall's number. "He's still not answering, is he?" Skye asked. "What do you think?" Chase asked annoyed as he heard Marshall's answering machine.  "He better get back soon! The next match is gonna start in a few minutes." Zuma said as he looked over at Rubble. As usual, the big guy was attacking Marshall's nachos. "You glutton." Zuma muttered under his breath. "Uh, guys?" Rocky said, pointing at a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the entranceway. The eyes stared at the pups briefly before Kiva walked towards them.

"MARSHALL!" Chase yelled in disbelief. "I had to." Kiva said before pointing to the ring. "But we're looking in the wrong spot. The problem is under the ring. Someone's put a dangerous power source under it." "And that is?" Rocky asked. Kiva looked at the ring before replying. "Dark Cosmic Energy." "That's bad right?" Skye asked. "Very rare, very toxic. And when refined, highly explosive. We're talking about bombs powerful enough to destroy the universe. Every civilised society has banned their extraction." Kiva explained. "Who tipped you off about that?" Rubble asked, still munching on the nachos. "Oh, gross Rubble! What have I told you about talking with your mouth full!?" Chase yelled in disgust. "And now I gotta get some new nachos. Thanks a lot, big guy!" Kiva seethed under his breath.

"I'm just asking who's the guy who tipped you off?" Rubble said before offering Kiva the nachos. "There's only one person it could be." The Ventaran warrior said, looking toward the ring. "Someone who's stuck in a jam and needs me to get him out of it. Someone who has a knack for getting into unusual trouble. In other words, me." "You mean, one of your future selves?" Zuma asked in disbelief. Kiva nodded, not taking his eyes off the ring. "Guys! we can discuss this later. Right now the second match is about to begin!" Rocky reminded his friends. Kiva noticed that the seats were filling up. "I'll join you as soon as the belt times out." He whispered to Chase who nodded. Kiva slipped into the shadows and the pups quickly returned to their seats as the announcer  began to commentate the match "Introducing the challenger from Parris Island, South Carolina, Sergeant Slaughter!"

"YO JOE!!!!!!!" Chase yelled as Sergeant Slaughter marched into the arena. "Yo wha-? What's going on?" Skye asked in confusion. "Don't ask." Zuma said, rolling his eyes. The announcer continued, clearly ignoring what was going on in the seats. "And his opponent, from Death Valley, The Undertaker!" Just then all the lights went out! "What's going on?" Skye shrieked in fright. "What the-? A power outage?" Rocky asked in confusion. For a minute, the only lights in the arena were Kiva's eyes. Not that you could see him of course. Just then the Undertaker walked into the arena.

"Wow, Marshall wasn't lying! He is creepy!" Rubble gulped. "Told ya, dude!" Zuma smirked. Skye was too terrified to say anything.  She sank a bit into her seat and whimpered. Meanwhile, Kiva shivered at the Phenom's arrival. "Boy, I'm never gonna get used to that!" He said as the Undertaker entered the ring. "Well, at least I got a good view of the match."  As the bell rang, Sergeant Slaughter charged towards the Undertaker who grabbed his face! "Well, he's not wasting any time." Kiva muttered as he watched from his hiding spot.  "The phenom's undefeated streak might get another victim!" The announcer said.

"Yikes! Probably should scan for any abnormalities." Rocky said, not taking his eyes off the match. Chase nodded to him.  From where he was hiding, Kiva set the Decadriver to scan mode. "Done! Eight steps ahead of you, Chase." He whispered into his comm. "Just stay out of sight, Marsh." Chase replied. Kiva nodded as he kept watching from his hiding spot. "I still don't know how he's doing that." Skye whispered to Chase who shrugged. "As long as he's trying to get to the bottom of this problem I'm happy." He replied. Just then Kiva heard an all too familiar sound as the Decadriver began to flash. "Oh man, I hate that sound!" He muttered in annoyance as he transformed back into Marshall.

"Uh oh! I think Marshall just lost the element of surprise." Zuma muttered. "You think?" Skye hissed. "We gotta get him down from there!" Rubble cried. "Guys don't worry about me! I'll be fine." Marshall said through his pup tag. "Marshall! You better come back." Chase whispered back. "I would like to but I just got a reading!" Marshall replied. "Really? How big is it?" Rocky asked. "Hang on  I'm checking. Woah! It's a whopper!" Marshall said in shock. "Well, where's it coming from?" Zuma asked. "It's under the ring and- Oh no! Sergeant Slaughter's infected!" Marshall gasped. "Oh no! That's not good!" Rubble said in disbelief. "Yep! He's brainwashed worse than a COBRA slave!" Chase confirmed. "But the Undertaker seems to notice i- WOAH!" Marshall cried out as as the screens he was hiding on top of began to tilt!

"Oh no! Marshall's gonna fall!" Skye gasped in terror. "But who could've done that?" Chase asked in concern. "Hang on Marsh! We'll get you down!" Rocky called to their friend. Marshall was desperately trying to hold on when he heard a all-too-familiar voice. "Peekaboo loser!" He grimaced as a human-bear monster emerged from the shadows!

 "Peekaboo loser!" He grimaced as a human-bear monster emerged from the shadows!

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"GhostBear!" Marshall snarled. "I thought you were de-akumatized when we defeated you the first time!" "You thought wrong!" The former wrestler snarled back. "You ruin my pro wrestling career, I will ruin your precious WWE!" "Not if I can help it!" Marshall shot back. Ghostbear just chuckled and raised a claw to the support beams that held up the screens. Some of the other WWE superstars had heard the commotion and had come to see what was going on. "What the devil?" Hogan asked in confusion. "The devil it is." Roddy replied before seeing Marshall hanging off the screen. "What the-?! How did he get up there!?"  Just then Ghostbear slashed through the support beams that held up the screens, sending them crashing down with Marshall still on them.   "Watch out!" Chase yelled. But it was too late.

When the dust settled, the Decadriver user was lying in the ring among the wrecked screens. "Not... cool.... man...." He mumbled before he passed out. "We'll settle this later!" Ghostbear yelled then as quickly as he appeared the half bear villain disappeared into the night. The other pups ran over to check on their friend. "Marsh! MARSH! Come on buddy! Wake up!" Chase said desperately, trying to revive his best friend. Meanwhile, the Undertaker looked in the way that Ghostbear had fled "Run, creature!" He yelled in anger. "But you can't hide. In the end, no man or beast escapes the Undertaker!"  

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