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Hey mochi's


Soobin started to tremble a little under seokmin's gaze but he stand still as Joshua is still on his back

Jin decided to save themselves so he started to spoke in a calm and sweet voice even know he is so scared as hell

Jin: seokmin-ah, we didn't knew that shua wi--

Seokmin didn't listen to any words just take Joshua from soobin like a small baby who cling to him like a koala and take him to their room

He carefully layed Joshua on the bed and started to clean the blood

Joshua hissed a little and open his eyes to see seokmin's eyes who is not at all looking at him

Joshua: seokminnie

He called him softly who still didn't look at him

Seokmin: did you get hurt anywhere other than your forehead

Joshua gestured his right leg

Joshua: i think i sprained my leg, seokie

Seokmin take a sharp breath at those pet names

Seokmin then removed Joshua's pants and make him wear a short which reaches his knees and then he sprayed the pain relief spray on his ankle

After that he started to massage lightly on near the area to relief the pain

Joshua was just watching him with fond eyes

Joshua: Minnie

Seokmin didn't listen to anything and was about to get up but Joshua held his hand and pull him on himself

Seokmin with his fast reflexes he make Joshua sit on his lap

Joshua: alpha~~

That's the last straw for seokmin's tolerance as he pull Joshua into his arms and hug him tightly silently telling him how much he was worried for him

Joshua: it's not their fault alpha, it was me who just wondering and tripped and fell, don't scare them please

Seokmin: but you got hurt, my love

Seokmin layed on the bed still Joshua in his lap

Joshua: but you treated me right

Seokmin: you know how much I got scared when i didn't feel your bond, I even try to mind link you but you didn't responded to me

Joshua look at seokmin with his cute Bambi eyes which melted seokmin's anger in a flash of second

Joshua: please don't say anything to them for me please hmm

Seokmin: fine but in one condition

Joshua: what is it

Seokmin: from now on you are not going outside without telling me ok

Joshua: aye aye my alpha

Seokmin: good

Seokmin kissed the mate mark and carry Joshua downstairs where the others were still waiting for them anticipatedly

Soobin immediately get up from his place

Soobin: hyung i am so sorry that I wi--

Seokmin: what's done is done and i already promised shua that I won't say anything to any of you

Hearing this soobin released the breath he was holding

Soobin: i promise hyung that from now on i will always be careful and will always protect shua hyung

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