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Hey mochi's

Warning: mention of slight violence and miscarriage

Mentally weak persons can skip this chapter


It's been a week that jihoon and jimin got rescued and a week that joshua is still there trapped in the blood moon pack

Seokmin day by day loosing his control

Whenever he mind link Joshua he always get silence in return

He stopped eating regularly always stays in his room looking at th ceiling longingly

At nights be shifts to his wolf form only to howl in pain and sadness

Everyone can feel the pain of the howl but no one dares to interrupt him and they let him be

The others also felt like a huge part is missing in their lives

Baby chan can sence that joshua is not near to him and that's make him cry everytime as joshua is not there to hold him and talk with him in baby talk and pamper him in his arms

Even jeonghan's comforting pheromones are not helping him fully and that's how seokmin and chan sleep at night with Joshua's shirt beside them

It was the next day all of them are in the dining table eating without a appetite like they are just eating for formality

Seokmin is not present there like usual

Jeonghan is feeding chan who only drinks a little milk and spits the remaining

Now jeonghan started to get worried

Jeonghan: guys how long will it be continued, why you guys are still here instead of rescuing our shua

Finally he asked them what tae and jimin wanted to ask being the Luna of the pack gives him the authority

Seungcheol: we are close to track the actual location but the last minute we didn't get the information from our spy

Jeonghan: cut the bullsh!t I know you guys are trying to hard but there is not only one but more than 6 alphas you are but still failed to track that bastard's location, why you guys are so slow

Jin: hannie there is ababy here don't curse otherwise he will also learn those words

Jeonghan: then let it be hyung all i wants is shua back to home is that hard to ask, can't you guys see how chan ans seokmin is affecting here without Joshua, chan are not even having his feed fully ans seokmin we don't know whe he comes our of his room and when he eats, did any one of you atleast talked with him, how's he is doing, NO YOU DIDN'T

Seungcheol: hannie please calm do--

Jeonghan: don't just don't

He was about to get up but suho came there running

Suho: alpha Jackson!! Alpha Jackson

Jackson is quick to left the dining table and the others also followed him to the living room

Jackson: what is it suho??

Suho: I got the information that they are on move

Jackson: what do you mean by they are in move

Suho: they are on move to their actual pack house

Hearing this everyone got more interested in that matter

Jackson: we need to be there then

Suho: i already sent first batch to follow them and we need to move quick to catch-up with them

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