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Hey mochi's


The study room is in utter silence, no one is talking

Crimson moon pack leader, Jackson Wang is just staring at namjoon not blinking and same with namjoon as well

It's looks like both were in a staring contest and no one wants to break the contest but yoongi being impatient clear his throat to gain their attention which he did successfully

Yoongi: you both have omegas, so stop looking at eachother with love dripping eyes and let's talk about the matter which should be taken care of immediately

He said with irritation and namjoon nodded as yes

Namjoon: Jackson, did you get the message that blood moon pack is again getting our of control

Jackson: and this time their Target is snow moon pack omegas, right??

Namjoon: yeah and they have the audacity to stalk and come near our house which is harmful to our pack omegas and also pack lunas are pregnant and I don't wants to risk anyone

Jackson: your pack village is already settled without any problem there and also i already ordered my pack members to clean the other portion of our pack house so that you guys can stay there

Seungcheol: I mean we have so many members here, so can we all fit in one place??

Jackson: yah, even though in my pack house there are only 2 couples live but my house is as much big as this one, you can will fit there easily and also I made different arrangements as well

Seungcheol: what's that??

Jackson: that is, alphas will stay in one floor and omegas will stay in other floor and again if you guys don't wanna stay like that then we have so many other options so don't worry and get started packing already

Namjoon nodded and they all went to the living room gathering everyone there

Namjoon: guys we are leaving this evening to crimson moon pack with the pack leader itself

Jin: what, but why?

Namjoon: the danger is awaiting for us everywhere and I don't wants to risk anyone's life so it's better if we move to much safer place, don't you think

Jimin: but how can we just leave like that leaving all this behind

Seungcheol: it's for your own good guys and if the pack alpha is ordering something then you all should obey to that

Finally seungcheol said with his alpha authority leaving no room for the others to argue

Namjoon look at seungcheol with greatful eyes before taking jin to their room to pack their things

Seungcheol: why are you all still here, go and get started packing, i want everyone here in 2 hours

Saying this he carry jeonghan to their room to pack their luggage

The omegas just mutter something and went to pack their luggage

It took more than 2 hours for them to pack and get ready and Jackson stayed in the living room watching television

He almost finished a movie when one by one each couple come downstairs

The first one to come is soonyoung and jihoon, behind them jimin and yoongi coming and behing them taehyun came almost carrying 4 bags

After 5 minutes, namjoon and jin came, and soobin is trailing behind them carrying their luggage along with his

The next to come is mingyu and wonwoo, and jungkook and tae

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