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Hey mochi's


Jimin slowly open his eyes and look around, he is not tied up but he is chained to his legs only and his hands were free

For a few minutes he was in daze thinking what is happening around him and that's when it dawn to him that he was forced to faint and was getting dragged by some guys

Jimin: what the hell where am I?

The room door opened with a creak sound and two guards come inside with a small man

They pushed the small man on the ground close to jimin who gasped when he looks at the small man

Jimin: jihoonie are you alright

He said crouching down beside jihoon who have a burised black eye

Jimin: hoonie what happened to you are you alright

He asked checking his body to see any visible burises and he sighed in relief when he find none

Jimin: thank God you are okay bub

He said hugging jihoon who hug his arm and started to cry loudly

Jihoon: hyungie they drag shua hyung with them he is somewhere else now, he was crying so badly and i tried to pull him towards me that's when a guy came and punched me

He said breathing heavily and gasping for air

Jimin cried with jihoon thinking what are they doing to joshua

Jimin: we need to get out of here, jihoon try to mind link your alpha as soon as possible

Jihoon nodded and close his eyes and take a deep breath to trying to ming link his alpha

Jihoon: alpha

No answer

Jihoon: alpha

Again no answer

Jihoon: alpha I am scared plea--


Jihoon cried out

Jihoon: yes alpha, I am scared please take me from here

Soonyoung: where are you my rice ball, tell alpha where are you hmm

Jihoon: it's a dark place but we have a window here

Soonyoung: great now peek from the window and tell me what you honey

He asked as calm as he could

Jihoon: there was only green fields here and and--

Soonyoung: and what bub?

Jihoon: and I can see our old pack village and as well as our old pack house building from the back from here

Soonyoung: you did great baby, now calm down and tell me how is jimin hyung and shua hyung doing, are they with you hmm

Jihoon: n--no only jiminie hyung is with me an-an-and they take shua hyung with themselves

Saying this he again started to cry

Soonyoung: oh my little muffin please calm down love, please hmm for me

Jihoon with much difficulty he stopped crying

Jihoon: an-and they tied up jimin hyung's legs with chains

Soonyoung: WHAT

Jihoon: yes but his hands are not tied

Soonyoung take a breath of relief after hearing this

Soonyoung: we will come there as soon as possible okay baby

Jihoon: please come fast, it's so cold here

Soonyoung: baby do feel any smell there

Jihoon: I can only smell of fresh grass and nothing else

Soonyoung: superb love, you are my brave boy, my omega right

Jihoon: yes I am your brave boy

Jihoon said with small voice

Soonyoung: then stay strong for me hmm, I am coming to get you baby

And then the mind link went off and in the meantime jimin also finished talking with yoongi through mind link

Jimin: they said they are coming, hoonie

Jihoon: yes yes they are coming


Meanwhile with the alphas soonyoung and yoongi eagerly told the others what they mind linked their omegas

Namjoon: I think there are in our cow farming house

Soonyoung: yes we need to move guys

Mingyu gesture him at seokmin who is sitting away from everyone

Jeonghan sat beside him with chan in his arms

Jeonghan: seokmin, did you mind link shua??

Seokmin look up and his eyes were bloodshot red

Seokmin: I am fcukin trying so much to mind link him but whenever I try to mind link him, all I get is silence from his side, hyung what do I do

He said wailing and jeonghan pull him in a hug

Chan started to cry and seokmin pull away from the hug

Jeonghan try to calm him down but no use, he was looking here and there for Joshua

Jeonghan even try to feed him but still the poor boy is still looking for joshua

Namjoon: seokmin let's go and get them

Seokmin nodded and get up from his place he was silent all the way to their old pack house

Anyone can feel his dark aura but they didn't dare to say anything just sat beside him silently to give him their support

When they reached their old pack house chanyeol is already waiting outside the pack house

Namjoon: let's go inside first

When they get inside the house is shattered all the vases were broken the couches were teared up all things were on the floor

Yoongi: guys let's go before try shift them to other place

Everyone agreed and they all cautiously make their way to the cow farming house and hide behind the grass piles blocking their scents

They can see some guards were guarding the place and also they have guns in their hands

Namjoon: we need to take each and every stop carefully until we get jihoon and jimin safe understand and don't do anything rash guys

He warned them especially to seokmin who is ready to pounce on the guards but jungkook and mingyu keeping him in his place

Seungcheol: let's get our family members back

He said cracking his neck and knuckles

First of all I am so sorry for the small chapter

The guests are going to leave today so I can type the story without getting interrupted

Hope it was good

Ignore the mistakes

Love from Zoya 💜💚

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