Chapter 12- A name......

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"Art, let's go. You promised that we would go to the town today and you can't ignore it anymore!" Said tessia.

"Yeah, of course tessia. Wait here for a bit I forgot a thing in my room, let me go and grab it real quick." I said to her while running upstairs.

"Okay, please be quick. We have to get back before dinner." She said.

After going into my room I quickly used godstep and arrived where Caera was, she was startled as I appeared infront of her out of no where.
"You ready?" I asked her. Getting a nod from her I grabbed her and returned back to my room.

"Now, use that invisible cloak and let's head downstairs." I said to her.

After she put on the cloak both of us went downstairs to where tessia was waiting.
"Okay, let's go now tessia. I do have somethings on my mind that I want to purchase so it would be better for us to go to the market first." I said while getting a nod from tessia.


'Anything that catched your eyes, Caera?'

'Nope, well Elder Rinia arranged some clothes and daily necessities for me. So I don't think that we don't need to buy those.'

'So then let's go and buy you some plushie's.' I said to caera and got a confirmation from her.

"Umm Tessia, do you know a place where we can get some plushie's?" I asked. Then tessia looked at me confused.

"I didn't know that you liked plushie's Art." She said with a shocked expression. "Uhh no you are mistaken, I wanted to buy some plushie's for my little sibling. You know newborns do like cute stuffs."I replied nervously.

"Ohh, okay. Well I do know a shop that sells plushie's. I'll lead the way then." Said tessia and I gave her a nod.

After we made our way to the shop, I picked some plushies that Caera said me to buy. After that we just roamed around the town for a bit and decided to return back, also I did purchase some food sneakily for later.

On our way back i saw quiet a familiar face, one of my friends. The self proclaimed rival of mine,i was glad to see him again. As i remember he died in the war while protecting elenoir. As soon as he saw me and tessia, he approached us, "You human! i challenge you to a duel again, last time you didn't even follow the rules and cheated! This time i will show you the difference between you and me!" he shouted and I could see that tessia was going to say something but before she could, Feyfey got knocked out as he fell towards the ground. Then his friends came and they carried him back most probably to his house. All the people around us were confused as to what happened and how could someone lose their consciousness so suddenly, and right after challenging someone. Well I knew what happened at the least.

'Was it really necessary Caera?' I asked her mentally.

'Well he was bad mouthing you so i just shut him up. And I am getting tired so let's just go back, I need some rest.' she replied sheepishly and I sighed mentally.

"Well let's go back to the castle now tessia. It's getting late." I said to her and started making my way to the castle without waiting for her to reply.

After we returned back to the castle, I went to my room with caera.

"I swear, no matter how strong I become, shopping will still remain my worst enemy." I groaned.

"Well yeah it sure does take a lot out of you. While I don't particularly enjoy shopping, but it's a different story when it comes to plushies." Caera said to which I chuckled a bit.

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