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[Y/ N] POV:

As carefully as I could, I popped my head up from a window and saw the Trailblazer and her tiny crew. Looking carefully, I recognized Natasha and Seele. My memory was quite blurry but I clearly remember that they were looking for Bronya. I tried following them around, but I guess it's alright since I recorded their conversation. Heading outside, I saw Kafka waiting outside.

"Darling, did you find out what they're planning~?" She asks flirtatiously, which made me cringe a little but also enjoyed it a little.

"Yes. I recorded their conversation in this USB, which I connected to my phone" I respond, then explaining further.

"They first will go search for Bronya, which will lead them to the Silvermane Guard area, hidden as electricians with the eldest sibling of the Landau's. I was able to throw a little chip on the Trailblazers hair. Now, we can track her down and follow her. Looking at the time right now, we have approximately 10 hours." I say, yapping all I knew

"You've put a lot of thought into this, huh?" -She asks with a smile.

"Yes, that's right. We also need to nourish ourselves and-"

"[Y/ N], take it easy. What if we go and do a little shopping for coats?" -She says, putting her palm on my head. I heap a great sigh of exhaustion and say.

"Sure, I'll be paying." -Kafka smiles at me and takes me by hand. She then covers us with her black umbrella. 

"So, I see you're exhausted, huh?~" She asks.

"Well, I feel like I'm not cut out for this, and I always feel pressured, as if I'm not good enough for the other members. I've now been getting 4 hours of sleep." -I explain my situation. She put her arm over my shoulder. 

"Take it easy. I'm only here because of my manipulation and fighting skills."

"I wish I was as strong as you, Kafka." I say, causing her to look at me and chuckle.

"Don't worry, you have your own special talent, so it's up to you to find out!" We stop in front of a mall and Kafka pulls me closer by the shoulder.

"Here, we'll relax for a little while~." She says as we enter the shop.  

Time skip

It has been approximately 4 hours since Kafka and I went in that mall. I kept poking my fries with a fork. Kafka spoke up.

"Now, [Y/ N], what would you want to do now?" She asks. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I dunno." I say. I can't focus anymore.

Kafka POV: 

[Y/ N] looks so tired. I know she tries to help as much as she wants to. She actually looks like she's going to faint. 

"[Y/ N], are you ok?" I ask.

Credits to @IluvYomiya  for rewriting this chapter!

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