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She was here. Camilla. I saw her 7 years ago and she probably hates me. She has to hate me and she has to think that I hate her. I don't. I could never. 7 years away from her and I'm still fucking obsessed with her. There wasn't a minute I didn't thought of her.

I always did. And I hate myself for leaving her after our night. I have the same thing as my dad, I can't forget anything. My thoughts always fly back to our night. But it was for the best of us. Nobody knows why I'm here and I don't think I can tell anybody.

When I came here I started doing illegal fights with my mask so nobody recognised me. The fights helped me with my anger and also helped me forget about some things or someone. I always  wore the necklace, Camilla gave me 7 years ago. I just couldn't take it off.

When I got back in my house I went showering and just hopped in bed. I couldn't really sleep. I could never. The best amount I get is maybe like 3 hours. My dad told me he had the same problem, so I guess it's a family thing then.

I took my laptop so I can write some e-mails. I also had a Company here and I was the CEO of it. It was hard having two lives, one that I'm the CEO and two that I'm an illegal boxer.


It was like 5 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I went for the gym. I love being there, because I can get my mind off something or someone. Today was chest so I started doing my exercises. I don't need to leave the house because i have my own gym at my house.

After two hours of full workout I went back to my room and took a shower. I got myself ready and drove off with my car to my Company. In four days is an event here so I had to organise some things. After I got to the company, i immediately went upstairs to my office.

My coffee was already done and was waiting on my desk. I sat down and started writing some mails. I have a meeting in like 15 minutest, so I went directly to the meeting room, waiting for my guests.

"Mr Volkov, the princess is here." My assistant said, as she came in. "Princess?" I asked shocked. I didn't knew anything about a princess coming. Is it Camilla? No, please not. I can't handle it. I'll literally go insane. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you Mr. Volkov. Camilla von Ascheberg is also here for the event." Emelia said, my Assistent.

Oh fuck me.

"She can come." I said trying to sound normal. She nod and went out. Short after Camilla entered the room and right beside here, her bodyguard. I think she didn't knew it too that I'm here, because she was shocked. "Well hello Princess." I smirked. She was so beautiful.

She was wearing an elegant white pants and an Bluse. She could literally wear anything and she still would look good. She changed a lot. Her breast got bigger, i can see that and i i would love putting my hands around them or sucking her rosy nipples.

Just like i did 7 years ago.

"Don't call me that." She said, her tone cold. It's good that she hates me. It's better. She than walked to the big table and sat down. Her Bodyguard, Jacob, right behind here.

When I went to LA 7 years ago I always called Nathanial and he told me all the news. So I  know everything. "So, what brings you here?" I asked and sat down. "The event. I didn't know you were also there?" She said. "I'm organizing it Camilla." I said.

After some time more gust came and we talked. We discussed some things and after 2 hours the meeting ended. Everyone was going and so was I when someone reached my hand. I turn around. Camilla. Fuck her touch makes me insane. "We should talk." She said looking at me.

I haven't seen her eyes in 7 years. And god she's so beautiful. She really did grow up. She is really tall but still I'm taller than here. "What for?" I asked but I already know the answer. "About everything Niko." She said. "I have work." I said trying to avoid it. "Fuck no you don't. We are gone talk." She replied.

I can't really argue with that. I nod and we went for my office. "Jacob can you stay outside?" She asked her bodyguard. He nod and went outside to wait. "So, I'm hearing." I said. "You fight? And have an own business?" She asked sitting directly in front of me. "I do yes. But you can't tell anyone. The fights are for fun." I said.

I know she wouldn't tell anyone. "You beat people up for fun?" She asked. "You could tell that." I shrugged. "Why did you left?" She asked her next question.

7 years ago

It was like 6 in the morning and I brought Camilla back to the guest room. I went to my office and started doing some work. I helped dad with the business and I also wanted to start something alone.

One E-mail got my attention. It was a photo. Me and Camilla. Kissing. "What would you dad say if I send that? Or the Queen? Kissing the little virgin? It would be a shame for the Volkov family and of course the Arschebergs. If you don't go away and keep distance to Camilla those fotos are gonna be online in less than 24 hours." I read under the foto. Oh god. Fuck.

How could that happened. I don't know who it is, but I swear I'll kill this person the moment i meet her. What should i do now? I can't risk the business from my father and the royalty. I can't be an egoist.

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