XVII. Mercy is a luxury

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As Y/n's eyelids fluttered open, he was greeted by the glow of early morning light filtering through the curtains of his room. Sweat was all over his body, a testament to the bad night he had had. The remnants of the haunting nightmare still lingered in his mind. With a heavy sigh, Y/n pushed himself onto his bed, the sheets slipping from his clammy skin as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. Shuffling across the room, Y/n made his way to the breakfast table where a steaming breakfast awaited him. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of warm pastries, providing a very tasty moment, perfect for his rumbling stomach.

Without hesitation, Y/n began to eat, eating faster and faster every second to satisfy his hunger. As he finished his meal, the sound of approaching footsteps signalled the arrival of the breakfast service. With efficiency, the staff cleared away the dishes and cleared the table, leaving Y/n alone once more after their departure. Seizing the opportunity, Y/n took his phone from the nearby furniture, his fingers navigating through the familiar apps as he reached Yumeko's chat to send her a message. 


Hey there, my love! How did you sleep last night? 😘

Y/n waited for Yumeko's reply while he went into the living room to watch some TV or play some video games until he got an answer. Suddenly, the familiar sound of a message was heard through the room. 


 Morning, morning! I slept good, though it would have been better if I had been by your side. And you?

 I've had better nights. Are you free around 4?

Count me in, ace! Im all yours at 4 😘💖

But why the "ace"? 🤔

Because u are my ace in the deck, the one who always wins my heart  ❤️

Hahaha, I see someone woke up in a good mood today 😂😂😂

Perhaps I did, perhaps not 

Well, in any case, we'll see each other at 4. I'll go and pick u up at ur house  😘

I will be waiting impatiently, my ace 😏

Despite these small hints we won't gamble!👀

Ugg y/n! Please

nono, no insisting, well see u at 4 😘

Rather than dealing with the details of the day himself, Y/n called in the service to handle the preparations for the day ahead. With a confident nod, he entrusted his chefs with the task of preparing the food for the day. He also instructed the service to prepare the things on a bag, along with a blanket, water and some table games. With a mixture of restless energy and eager anticipation, he passed the time bussy until he saw Yumeko. As the clock approached four, he began to get ready, dressing himself quickly. With a bakcpack slung over his shoulder, filled with everything he needed for their afternoon together, Y/n stepped out of his house. With a smile on his face, he made his way to Yumeko's house.

When he arrived, there was still no sign of Yumeko, so he took out his phone and sent her a quick text message, letting her know that he had arrived and was waiting outside. His head was still a little confused and he felt some anxiety about the day before, but he hoped that this day together would solve all of his doubts. A few seconds passed before the door of the building finally swung open, revealing the sight of Yumeko descending the stairs. Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration at her beauty. It was one of the first times he had seen her wearing something other than the standard Academy uniform. As she closed the door behind her, Y/n's heart skipped a beat. Without a moment's hesitation, she jumped into his arms, her warmth enveloping him as she planted a sweet kiss on his lips. With a smile on his face, Y/n returned the affection, savouring the feeling of her in his arms once more. When they finally parted, Yumeko intertwined her fingers with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

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