XXXII. If only for a moment

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Kirari: So Y/n, tell me.

Y/n found himself sitting in Kirari's office, a large room dominated by a large window behind her desk overlooking the academy grounds. She sat across from him, her posture relaxed, yet radiating authority. Kirari had summoned him to her office, using her position as president of the student council. Yumeko had reluctantly gone to her classes, leaving Y/n alone to face Kirari's scrutiny. Y/n shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Kirari's eyes bored into him, demanding answers. He knew she wouldn't let him leave without an explanation, but the truth was too dangerous to reveal.

Y/n: I understand your curiosity, but it's something complicated.

Kirari's gaze hardened.

Kirari: Complicated or not, you owe me an explanation. What did Terano mean and how do you two know each other?

Y/n sighed and tried to gain time to think.

Y/n: Terano and I... you could say we have a history. We were once close friends, but for one reason or another, we were driven apart and hatred arose between us.

Kirari's eyes narrowed as she listened, her curiosity piqued but unsatisfied.

Kirari: That's a start, but it doesn't explain why Terano insinuated that I should know who you are.

She paused, studying his face intently, her expression a mixture of curiosity and determination.

Kirari: We've spent a lot of time together, haven't we? I think it's time I knew more about your background. Your evasiveness reminds me of how vehemently you tried to hide your family when I asked about them before. So tell me, or despite my dislike for Terano, I'll ask them myself.

Y/n felt a cold sweat break out. He knew he couldn't deflect any longer. He took a deep breath and tried to organise his thoughts.

Y/n: My family ... um ... let's say they are involved in some complex business, similar to the kind of power struggles your own family is involved in.

Kirari leaned forward, her interest growing.

Kirari: And Terano? How does she fit into all this?

Y/n: Terano and I were close because our families were once allies. We were trained to work together, to strengthen the bonds between our families. But things changed. We can say that there were some changes in my family, and the interests diverged, so we were forced to be on opposing sides. She had to be with her family and your clan, while I had to be with mine. As we grew up, she probably expected me to be as involved with my family as she was with hers, so that we could work it out, but I never really got too deep into that kind of family stuff. Let's just say that my father and I are not the closest of people, so I never supported or cared of his decisions.

Kirari: You only give me general information Y/n. I want to know who your family is. Totobami family and my clan, during our long time, we had a lot of rivalries and people against us who didn't like our power. So that is not much information. 

Y/n felt the weight of her questioning and knew he was running out of options. He couldn't dodge her questions forever, at least it was better that she knew because of him than if Terano told her.

Y/n: My family ... is part of a faction that has clashed with the Momobami Clan before. My father is one of those who oppose your clan's influence and power. He has tried to overthrow your clan's stronghold in various ways, often putting me at odds with his plans.

Kirari's eyes narrowed further, sensing that he was still holding back.

Kirari: And what is your family name, Y/n? Give me something concrete.

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