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I wake up from bangs on my door "wake up! We ere going out to get breakfast with Taylor" Austin says peeking through the door.

"I'll be ready in 10" I replay and get out of bed to take a shower.

As the water hit my head I can't stop thinking about last night. What Taylor said in her song about liking me since we were kids. How did I not notice for all those years? How do I get back to acting the same around her now that I know what her lips taste like.

I finish quickly and get ready to go out.
"Are we picking her up?" I ask Austin.

"She said she prefers to walk so she could get to know the area better"

"Oh" I say disappointed.
"Where were you last night? Couldn't find you at the party at some point" I can't tell him Taylor was there and drunk and some guy grabbed her "I just didn't feel like partying" I answer and it satisfy him, he drops it.

I'm waiting for my brother at the coffee shop we decided on yesterday. I had such a hard time getting out of bed this morning, my head was pounding but I got some coffee and painkillers earlier. I don't why I expected Travis to still be there when I woke up but of course he was gone. He kissed me and then just left. But that's what he does best I guess, I'm familiar with his reputation as a playboy, he sleeps with girls but never spends the night. The rumors started back when he was a junior and guys still talked about him like he was a legend when I finished school. I guess now I know the rumors are true. What an ass.

I sit in a table waiting for my brother, when I see him entering the coffee place with the one person I didn't want to see.

"Morning teffy" Austin greets. Him and Travis sit across from we. I don't speek to Travis, in fact I don't even look at him.

We go through breakfast with minimal conversation. I refuse to acknowledge Travis, I'm not just one of his girls. He can't kiss me and then leave in the middle of the night and forget about that.

The guys drive me back to my dorm and I wave my brother goodbye as I'm leaving.

"Hey you're awake!" I say as I enter the room me see Hailey sprawling and stretching her arms.

"Yeah just woke up, last night was weird" I nod and sit on her bed handing her a cup of coffee. "I went for breakfast with my brother and I got you coffee, thought you might need it".

She takes a sip and hums in delight as the warm liquid go down her throat.
"Me? You had one intense situation at the party. I came to help but that human mountain beat me to it" I laugh at how she referred Travis.

"Who was he anyway? Looked like you two knew each other. Also he drove us here" I look down "that's Travis, my brother's best friend" I mumble.

"The best friend? Like the one you've been in love with forever?" I nod.

"Well I get it girl, he's hot. But I think he has something for you too by the way he held your face and spoke to you" I guess we weren't that drunk if we remember all these details.

I move my head from side to side "I don't know anymore..." she gives me a questioning look.

"I kind of confessed my love to him and then he kissed me. I asked his to stay but he left in the middle of the night and didn't even leave a note or texted me. Like he's trying to ignore what happened" I tell her and she's probably a little shocked all of that happened while she was asleep a few feet from us.

"Oh" she crinkles her eyebrows in a frown "that's shitty of him".

"Yeah, so this morning when he also came to the breakfast I just ignored him. He has a reputation with girls and I won't be another one on his list" I tell her.

"You go girl" she put her fist in the air and we fist bump before bursting out laughing.

The things I can't have - Taylor and Travis (AU)Where stories live. Discover now