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I know the last chapter wasn't that good so I hope this one will make up for it. Also, this is the first time I'm writing smut like that, pls let me know what you think in the end.

We've been in our hometown for almost a week and it was finally Christmas morning, my brother brought his girlfriend Kylie for the holiday for the first time and the three of us along with our parents were on our way to the Swifts household for present opening and some brunch like every year in the last decade.

"It's such a shame you didn't bring your girlfriend Travis, could be cool for the both of us to bring someone to the holiday the same year" Jason told me as we walked to the door, mom knocked and soon enough Taylor opened up the door wearing a red Christmas pajama and a bright smile.

"Next time" I replied as we entered the house and greeted Taylor and the rest of her family. I was the last to go in and went in for to hug Taylor like the rest of my family did, I didn't get to see her yesterday and really missed her but I knew we had to keep it a secret for just a little bit more so the hug was just a short and kind of a friendly one.

We shared a smile and a few whispers while everyone was busy in hugging each other and saying hellos but soon enough had to part and get to the living room with everyone.

"Who wants some hot cocoa?" Andrea asked and brought mugs to everyone. We sat together in the living room and started opening the presents. Everyone laughed and chatted while we did that.

Then Austin picked up an envelope that sat under the tree and handed it to his mother "that's for you mom" she thanked him as he sat down, this time on my other side so nothing separated Taylor and I and she opened the closed letter taking out a hundred dollar bill and a note, which she read out loud.

"I lost our bet". Austin told us about this a couple months earlier and we knew that's exactly how we would tell everyone. Apparently he and his mother had a bet about Taylor and I getting together eventually. A few years back on Christmas she told him that one day I would realize what I had under my nose all this time and he told her he'd bed a hundred dollars I wouldn't.

"What does it mean?" My own mom asked confused.

Andrea looked between Taylor and I who were now sitting much closer to each other and then looked at her older son "it this about what I think it is?" Austin nodded while saying "yep".

"Oh my god I can't believe this!" A huge smile appeared on her face as she looked at her daughter, doing the math.

Scott squinted his eyebrows and asked "what the hell is going on?" Andrea remembered no one had any idea what was Austin's note about and quickly explained "well Taylor had a little crush on Travis for years and I made a bet with Austin a few years ago saying he'll owe me a hundred dollars if they'll get together eventually. I got my money now" she laughed.

"So Taylor is your secret girlfriend?" My mom asked and I nodded "as for the last three months, yes" there was no controlling the smile that stretched on my face, as I pulled Taylor to my side and kissed the side of her head.

Both our moms stood up and shared a high five, making us all laugh. Then they turned to us, hugging both me and Taylor, telling us how they always knew it would happen eventually and they knew it since we were little kids.

After a few minutes of Taylor and I talking to everyone and explaining a few details of how everything went down, we got back to the presents. I opened the one I got from Taylor, it was two tickets for a football game and a USB drive. I looked at her with a questioning look "this is the real gift but you can listen to it later" she told me and squeezed my thigh with the hand she had in it.

The things I can't have - Taylor and Travis (AU)Where stories live. Discover now