9. Supernal.

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When Alarick stirred, the room greeted him with hues of blue and silver, bathed in radiant light. It beamed at him, more vibrant than the last time he had awakened. Blinking away the haziness in his vision, he glanced around before settling on the unfamiliar, ethereal femininity beside him.

Accalia lay on her side, softly snoring, her knees bent and her hands sprawled a few breaths away from his.

Alarick shifted slightly, repositioning himself to face her, and then feasted on her beauty, admiring the wavy strands that framed her face, moon rays cascading down her back and spilling over her chest. Her dress had slipped further down her shoulders, revealing more of her milky skin to his hungry gaze.

He followed the gentle rhythm of her breathing, then, tracing the contours of her body, drifted down to her delicate waist, which curved into voluptuous hips. The fabric of her black gown had slipped off, exposing her legs, and he noted a twitch to her toes. His gaze leisurely retraced the path of utter bliss up her sinful beauty, all the way to her dainty neck where it lingered for a moment too long.

Her soft mounds almost spilled out as they gently pressed against the corset, hinting at the curves beneath. Alarick's attention was drawn to the slope of her shoulder and the graceful arc of her collarbones. A vein pulsed in her throat, stirring a deep longing within him and igniting a desire to draw nearer to her.

So, he did. 

Unable to resist, he reached out. His hand skimmed her jaw until silver wrapped around his finger, dripping down his arms and tickling his skin. Sensing a shift in her breathing, Alarick looked up, and blue met grey. 

Accalia observed him through half-lidded eyes, weighed down by slumber yet radiating an insatiable hunger that seemed to echo his own. With a lazy blink, she offered him a drowsy smile.


He hummed, shifting his focus back to toying with her silky locks.

"Do you like it that much?" she asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Soft. Like fur," he murmured before shaking his head. "No, softer."

Accalia chuckled. "How do you feel? Better?"

Alarick paused for a moment, considering her question. "Different," he finally replied. "But certainly better."

Accalia nodded in understanding, her expression gentle. "Change can be daunting, but it is often for the best."

"I understand. Change is necessary."

His words slowly sunk in as a comfortable silence settled between them, the only sound being the soft rustle of curtains swaying to the breeze. 

"Accalia?" Alarick called after a while, his voice tentative. He hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Will you...teach me?"

A warm smile spread across Accalia's face at his request. "Of course. There is much to learn, but we shall take it one step at a time. However..." she trailed off. With a stretch and a long groan, she sat up, her movements fluid and graceful. 

As she adjusted her sleeves, she couldn't help but notice the disappointed pout that formed on his lips. Accalia smirked, enjoying his reaction for a moment. Yet, when he moved to sit as well, her smugness faded.

"However?" Alarick inquired, his brows furrowed, fingers idly playing with the sheets that pooled around his hips. The silky fabric teased his defined muscles, its gentle touch tickling his naked form.

Clearing her throat, Accalia rose to her feet. "However, you ought to bathe first."

"Bathe?" Alarick's frown deepened, glancing down at himself. "How do humans bathe?"

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