Memories of Nihility

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[Y/n] sighed as he stepped off of the bus with the other exorcists, stretching out his back and letting out a sigh of sweet relief when he heard that oh-so-beautiful pop. After the most awkward train journey in history, the group had been collected by Shima's older brother, Kinzo, on a coach big enough to take all of them to the inn they'd be staying at while helping the Kyoto branch temple of The Myōō Dharani. 

With how awkward the train journey was, [Y/n] had expected the bus ride to be, at least, a little more relaxing. But, between the others blankly ignoring Rin when he excited asked about Kyoto Tower and Kinzo's god-awful introduction on the bus that ended with him literally headbutting his microphone, [Y/n] was already rapidly losing any and all hope he had for this trip to go well. At least the current situation would be hard to ruin. Right? All they had to do was get dropped off at the inn and go help the temptaint victims. East, right?


[Y/n] slouched at the thought. Between his argument with Bon, the way the others were treating Rin, his deal with Arthur for information and everything else in between... He already knew that whatever the hell was going to happen on this trip was going to give him a migraine that lasted weeks. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. As Flor happily trotted up beside him with Kuro sitting comfortably on his head, Rin walked over to join them. With a small smile and a wordless nod, the boys turned on their heels and followed the rest of the Exwire group into the inn, opting to stick close to Kamiki for simplicity's sake since she was the only one not being insufferable.

As the teens all shuffled through the front door, they were immediately stopped by the workers.

"It's Bon!" A cheerful voice called out, gaining everyone's attention as the aforementioned boy stopped dead in his tracks. [Y/n] raised a brow in confusion.

"Look!" Another one yelled happily.

"You're right! It is Bon!" Came another.

"Welcome home, Bon!" The delight continued.

"Chill out, guys!" Suguro practically screamed, the heat rising to his face as the crowd of inn workers that surrounded them grew bigger and bigger. "I'm not here to visit!" He yelled, shaking his head as he put his hands up defensively. Before any of the non-Kyoto kids could question what the hell was going on, Kinzo suddenly popped up again.

"Bon?!" He yelled, genuine surprise and confusion in his voice. "I didn't even recognise ya, man! I'm sorry! Woah, today's a special day!" He beamed, scratching the back of his head with a laugh while everyone else stayed silent. [Y/n] sweatdropped as he just stared at the two, completely blank-faced.

"He was on the bus with his the whole time and he didn't notice?" [Y/n] muttered, looking the blonde man up and down in complete and utter disbelief.

"He said his surname was Shima, are you really surprised? Stupidity is probably genetic." Kamiki replied flatly, not even slightly impressed by the display she was witnessing. Before [Y/n] could toss in another snarky comment, Kinzo cupped his hands around his mouth and turned on his heel.

"Oh, ma'am!" He called out, causing Suguro to immediately panic.

"No! Wait!" He pleaded but it was all for naut as rushed footsteps immediately echoed through the nearby hallway. Stepping forward for a better look, [Y/n] saw an unfamiliar woman run into view. She was a little shorter than Shura and wore an elegant and finely pressed pink and purple kimono with a sparkly belt. 

"Ryuji..." She breathed out through heavy breaths, her hand on her chest as she stared at the boy with shocked wide eyes. Suguro immediately looked away from her awkwardly. "My boy..." She sighed, stepping forward as she raised a hand to cup his face gently before slowly sliding it up toward his hair. That's when [Y/n] put it together. She was Suguro's mother. He had to admit, he was surprised to see that the big rough and tough Suguro had a mother who looked as graceful and elegant as a flower. As he watched the way she looked at him [Y/n] couldn't stop the stab of jealousy that jolted through his chest. He wanted that. He missed that. So be looked at like that. Someone so delicate. So gentle. So loving and caring. So- "What the hell did you go and dye your hair for?! What do you think you are?! Some kind of rooster?!" She screamed, gripping his hair tight before very violently and very aggressively ripping a whole chunk of the blonde streak off of his head. [Y/n] instantly ceased his previous train of thought.

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