True Cross Academy

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"Do you have everything you need?" Mabaa asked glancing back at the young [h/c]-haired man behind her. [Y/n] nodded, throwing his metal case over his shoulder as he looked the old woman up and down.

"Yeah." He replied, shifting his weight to his right foot as he picked up his duffle bag. The old librarian's dark pink eyes stared him down with a questioning look, slowly glancing toward the metal crate slung over his shoulder. The young man followed her gaze and shifted uncomfortably on the spot. "Thanks for helping me pack everything." [Y/n] thanked, giving the old woman a small yet sincere smile. Mabaa's usual tight frown loosed ever-so-slightly as she cracked the smallest smile known to mankind.

"It's no problem at all. I'm just happy to have you out of that damn storage closet." The librarian replied, brushing a strand of thick grey hair out of her face as she gestured up toward the storage room that [Y/n] had been using as a bedroom for the last six years. [Y/n] nodded in agreement, glad that he was accepted into the school and course he had always wanted but he was slightly sad to bid farewell to the old hag. She had been the one raising him for the last six years. "You be good now." Mabaa ordered, giving [Y/n] a warning look. The young man rolled his eyes as he fiddled with the small golden key he was sent by the academy a week earlier. Apparently, it could be used to reach the Exorcist Cram School from any door on the campus. Mabaa sneered at the lack of response. An irk mark appeared on the side of her head as she watched the boy pocket the key while completely ignoring her. "You listening, brat?!" The old woman screamed as she grabbed the nearest book to her right and smashed it against the side of [Y/n]'s head.

"What the hell was that for, old hag?!" [Y/n] yelled in pain as the rubbed the spot on his head where the old woman had hit him with a huge damn encyclopedia.

"Watch your mouth!" Mabaa scolded, hitting him upside the head with the hardback book again. [Y/n] groaned in pain and just barely managed to dodge the third swing. For an old hag, she had some crazy arm strength. "Get going, brat." Mabaa ordered, shaking her head in disappointment. [Y/n] sneered at her before letting out a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. The last thing he needed was to be pissed off on his first day of class.

"Crazy bitch." [Y/n] muttered under his breath, making his way toward the door with his bags. Despite his attempt to make a quiet comment, Mabaa heard him clear as crystal.

"What did you say?!" Mabaa screamed, launching the encyclopedia toward him. [Y/n] gulped as he narrowly avoided the paper projectile, watching it crash against the wall and knock over a poster. As the inspirational message hit the ground, [Y/n] took it as he cue to leave, turning on his heel and sprinting out the door while laughing at Mabaa's continuous threats and complaints. He glanced back at the library behind him as he ran further and further away. As the yelling got more and more distant, [Y/n] fully turned to the road ahead of him. He chuckled quietly to himself as Mabaa's voice completely faded away, leaving only the sound of the frantic traffic in its place. Taking in a deep breath, [Y/n] slowly let it out. His hand absentmindedly gripped the strap of the metal case, and a determined look formed in his eyes. Without another word, he took his first step on the road ahead.

The road that led to True Cross Academy.


"Meet your freshman class representative, Yukio Okumura!" The headteacher announced, extending his arms toward the assembly hall packed to the brim with freshman students. Near the back sat [Y/n], who was playing with his keys under the table, absentmindedly spinning them on his index finger. He couldn't give a shit about this trivial bullshit if he tried.

"Yes, sir!" A boy, [Y/n] assumed Yukio Okumura, replied as he stood to attention, making his way to the podium. He began to go on about how honoured he was to enrol at the school, etcetera, etcetera, while some other students muttered about him getting the highest score in the entrance exam and how he was pretty hot. [Y/n] just rolled his eyes. He really didn't care. He passed the entrance exam thanks to a little extra tutoring from Mabaa. Living in a library definitely had its benefits. As Okumura wrapped up his speech, the crowd applauded him before the headteacher announced that they would all be taking a tour of the campus together.

Paradox [Blue Exorcist x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now