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"They're both idiots." [Y/n] muttered with a completely blank face from his spot beside Moriyama as he looked down at the arena below him, watching Bon and Rin compete against each other while trying to evade the reaper demon. Shiemi sweatdropped as she watched them.

"At least they're both trying their best..." Shiemi replied, although [Y/n] could tell that even she wasn't fully convinced by what she was saying. [Y/n] just sighed in defeat, realising that there was nothing he could do to stop those two idiots from fighting. He had already completed his training in the exercises so he decided to just focus on the positives of the situation. Just as he turned his attention back to the training, he saw Bon dropkick Rin mid-exercise, making him fall to the ground.

"Did he just kick him?!" Shima exclaimed with wide eyes while the rest of his class looked on in confusion. Just as Rin managed to push himself off of the ground, the giant frog-like demon sprung into the air behind Bon, ready to kill. Everyone's eyes went wide in panic.

"Bon, the reaper!" [Y/n] screamed to the oblivious male. Bon barely even turned to face it in time. Thankfully, Mr Tsubaki was paying attention and pulled the reaper back toward the centre of the arena and away from the students with the chain around its neck.

"Are you trying to get yourselves killed?! What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Mr Tsubaki exclaimed as he looked down at the two students in a mix of shock and annoyance. Meanwhile, Bon and Rin ignored his scolding as they began arguing again. [Y/n] and the others couldn't hear what they were saying but, when the pair suddenly jumped at each other and began to brawl, [Y/n], Shima and Konekomaru quickly skidded down the side of the arena toward them. "That's enough! You're disrupting class!" Tsubaki yelled as he ran toward the pair. The second his feet hit the solid ground, [Y/n] sprinted toward Rin, being careful to not damage his case or Rin's sword, before wrapping his arms around him and pulling him back while the other two did the same for Bon.

"Calm down, Rin!" [Y/n] yelled, fighting his grip when the navy-haired boy almost broke free. [Y/n] gritted his teeth as he held him back, really surprised by how strong he actually was.

"Sorry, sir. Sorry." Shima apologised frantically as he and Koneko struggled to hold Bon back. The rest of the class just watched in a mix of confusion and annoyance. When the two finally stopped struggling, they were released from their friends' grasp.

"Suguro, I'd like to have a word with you." Tsubaki said in an authoritative tone as he began walking away. Bon muttered out a quiet 'yes, sir' as he followed him, glaring at Rin as he walked by. Rin sneered at the male once he was gone.

"Man, what is up with him?!" He asked, turning back to Shima, Koneko and [Y/n]. Shima smiled sheepishly at him while shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, sorry. Bon's a good guy but he's so serious that it's hard for him to cut people some slack." He explained, putting his hands behind his head as he spoke. "The whole reason he's here is because of his big ambitions." He added, dropping his hands to his sides before lazily shrugging his shoulders. [Y/n] and Rin both raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Ambitions?" Rin asked, curious about what Bon's reasoning for becoming an exorcist was. Shima and Koneko nodded before answering.

"The thing is, Bon wants to be an exorcist because he says that he wants to defeat Satan." Shima explained and [Y/n]'s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He honestly wasn't expecting Bon to aim for something that big. But, then again, everyone had their reasons for doing something. Who was he to judge Bon's? While [Y/n] was already moving past the announcement, Rin just stared ahead while his eyebrow twitched. Shima busts out laughing at their reactions. "Yeah, it's kinda funny isn't it?" He laughed, making [Y/n] and Rin instantly snap out of their inner thoughts.

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