A Newfound Rivalry

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It had been a few days since they began class. The main school still wasn't open yet but the cram students were hard at work already. In those few days, [Y/n] had become closer to Bon, Rin, Yukio, Shima and Konekomaru. He had introduced himself to Kamiki, who just seemed like an overly self-confident bitch, and Paku, who actually seemed really nice. However, he still hadn't said a word to Yamada or Takara.

As the students talked among themselves, the door was abruptly swung open. [Y/n] looked up from his seat beside Bon as Yukio stepped into the room with a short girl with shoulder-length blond hair. [Y/n] raised an eyebrow in confusion as he looked over her outfit. Instead of the school uniform, the girl was wearing a traditional kimono.

"This is your new classmate, Shiemi Moriyama." Yukio announced, gesturing toward the girl.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Moriyama greeted anxiously with a bow. [Y/n] took note of how nervous she seemed to be. Not that he could blame her. Everyone watched her in a mix of interest and confusion as she hastily shuffled to the seat beside Rin. As she took her seat, Yukio said his hellos and left, letting the teacher for the first period take over. The teacher quickly set out his instructions, letting the students read at their own pace.

"Check her out." Shima muttered, turning back to face Bon and [Y/n] as he excitedly elbowed Konekomaru while smirking. He was staring at Moriyama with a sly smile and a perverted look. Bon and Konekomaru both groaned in annoyance while [Y/n] just stared at him with a blank expression.

"Seriously?" He asked monotone turning toward Bon, who looked ready to slap Shima.

"Knock it off, Shima." Konekomaru sighed, shaking his head at the pink-haired boy's antics. Shima waved him off as he continued to stare at Moriyama.

"He has no shame, huh?" [Y/n] sweatdropped, keeping a blank stare as he watched Shima shamelessly gawk at the new girl. Bon let out a defeated sigh as he shook his head.

"Nope." He replied, a disappointed tone in his voice.

"And he's supposed to be a monk." Konekomaru added, shoving Shima lightly in an attempt to get him to stop gawking and pay attention to class.

"Oh, lighten up a little." Shima brushed off their complaining, shrugging his shoulders. Bon continued to glare at Shima while [Y/n] and Konekomaru gave him a disappointed look.

"Okumura. Okumura." The teacher suddenly pulled their attention from Shima's perversion to the sleeping student. "Okumura!" The teacher yelled, finally succeeding in waking the boy. Rin woke up in a panic, almost throwing his book into the air in the process.

"Sukiyaki!" Rin exclaimed as he woke up, quickly wiping the drool from his chin. [Y/n] sweatdropped.

'He was dreaming about food?' He thought silently, raising an eyebrow while letting a small yet amused smile cross his lips.

"If you don't intend to pay attention, you're free to leave anytime." The teacher offered, causing Rin to shrink awkwardly in his seat.

"Yes, sir. Sorry about that." Rin apologised, trying to find the page that he was supposed to be on. To his left, [Y/n] heard an annoyed growl from Bon.

"Why is he even here?" Bon complained, glaring at the back of Rin's head. [Y/n] assumed that Rin must have felt Bon staring because he flinched slightly before slowly turning round to them. Rin glanced at [Y/n], who gave his dormmate/friend a small smile and a nod before his eyes fell on Bon, who death glared at him. "Piss off!" Bon sneered, making the other boy raise an eyebrow in confusion. Rin just stared at Bon for a couple more seconds before turning back around. Just before he did, [Y/n] could have sworn he saw the faintest blush on his cheeks. He snicked quietly while elbowing the still-irritated Bon.

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