8. A Confession

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After another moment of silence, she turned to the door and spoke up. "I guess I should go."

At the same time he said, "Amelia, I feel like I should tell you something."

"What is it?" she turned back to him and asked, leaving her door cracked open.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at the steering wheel. "It's kinda awkward to bring this up, but I don't know... I feel weird not telling you. And after the other day, I just..."

"John, you're making me nervous. What is it?"

He looked up at her and nodded. "Ok, right. So here it is. At the staff Christmas party you and I had been chatting for a bit about sports and the school and well, I thought we were getting along well and you're obviously attractive, so I uh... I asked you out."

He watched as her eyes went wide, obviously surprised, but her face was otherwise unreadable. Meanwhile, she was having a hard time moving past the fact that this extremely handsome and caring man thought she was attractive and was interested in her.

"And you turned me down." He added solemnly.

"I did?" She squeaked out, and then immediately blushed at how shocked she'd sounded.

"Yeah. But it was fine, you were nice about it. We don't really see each other at work that much anyway, except for monthly staff meetings or special events."

"I... I'm not sure what to say." She looked down at her hands in thought.

"I just thought you should know. And it's fine, honestly. It's not the first time something I've tried hasn't worked out." He chuckled awkwardly as he ran his left hand through his hair. "But that doesn't mean we still can't be friendly and I really do want you to call or text me if you need anything. Please don't go walking that far if I'm able to drive you instead."

"...o-ok." She said timidly. Not really sure what to think right now.

He sighed. "I hope I haven't made things awkward. It doesn't have to be, ok? I'm still your neighbor and coworker and am happy to help you. No expectations of anything else, I promise."

"I appreciate you being honest with me." She finally said in return.

"Of course." He nodded.

"I better get inside and let Archie out." She turned and opened her door and got out of his SUV.

"Ok, have a good rest of your day, Amelia." He called out after her.

"I will do my best. You too, John." She gave him a small smile and waved as she turned and walked over to her own house.

Once inside she let Archie out and then followed him to the back door, sitting on a patio chair and watching him run around excitedly. After a few minutes, he brought her a ball and dropped it in her lap.

"Ok, I can take a hint." She chuckled as she tossed the ball across the small yard and he went chasing after it to bring it back to her. As they played fetch for several rounds she couldn't help but dwell on what John had confessed to her.

Why would she turn down a guy who seemed so great? He was not only extremely handsome and fit, but he seemed like an all around great guy. He had gone out of his way to help her over the past few days. And knowing he had done all of that and been a perfect gentleman, even after she had rejected him... well, it caused her heart to squeeze uncomfortably. She thought he was so brave to come out and be honest with her up front about all of this up front and she found herself feeling like she could trust him all the more for it. But she had to have a reason for declining his advances. What was it? She had to admit she really liked him, or the parts about him she's gotten to know since he found her bleeding on the sidewalk. But the Amelia who couldn't remember anything before then would have to heed the wisdom of the Amelia who did have all of her memories. She would have to guard her heart around the man.

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