11. A Startling Revelation

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She matched his posture, crossing her arms as well. "If I sing, you have to sing."

"I'm not the one trying to remember things." He chuckled.


"You go first and then we'll see what happens." He smirked.

"That's not much of a deal." She bantered, leaving her arms crossed.

"Go on." He motioned with his hands for her to start.

"Great." She laughed. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Hmmm...." She thought as she turned and glanced around at all of the people around. Thankfully they were the only two at their current exhibit, even though other people were visible nearby. "What song?"

"Keep with our 'whatever pops into your mind' theme."

"Ok, then. You asked for it." She shrugged and turned back to face him, taking in a deep breath before starting the lyrics.

"Madam. Gaston. Can't you just see it?

Madam. Gaston. His little wife."

She placed her hands on her chest and batted her eyelashes mockingly, the way Belle does in the movie

"That's the song you're going with?" He chuckled.

"No sir. Not me. I guarantee it." She shook her head and planted her feet with her arms on either side of her before spinning with her arms wide as she began the next line.

"I want much more than this provincial life."

"Wait for it..." she whispered to John just before she ran and climbed on top of a nearby bench and spread her arms out wide, ignoring the looks she was getting by onlookers as she began to sing loudly.

"I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere.

I want it more than I can tell!"

She reached out, motioning for him to come to her as she continued singing.

"And for once it might be grand." She sang as he walked forward and offered his left hand to her outstretched right hand, helping her down from the bench.

"To have someone understand." She surprised him when she didn't let go of his hand but instead placed her left hand on his shoulder and stepped to move them into a dance.

"I want so much more than they've got planned." She held out the notes as she spun away from him and then spun back into his waiting arms.

He surprised her by dipping her and spinning them as he raised her back up to face him. Both of them laughed as people nearby began to cheer and clap.

"You go Belle!" A teenage girl called out.

"Thanks, girl!" She said in return, still laughing.

"That was awesome." John said as he clapped for her as well.

"You did your part well, dance partner." She gave him a short bow.

"Why, thank you, milady." He bowed as well and laughed as he placed his arm on her lower back. "Come on, before they expect an encore."

"If they do, you're singing this time."

"No, I could hardly follow that act." He said as he turned them down a different aisle and across the bridge over a small stream.

"Look!" She stopped on top of the slightly rounded bridge and pulled a small camera out of her bag, holding it up to her face. 

"It's a nice view." He said as he leaned his forearms onto the bridge railing, looking out over a stream that wove through rocks and flowering bushes. "You know, your phone has a camera." He teased her.

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