16. Change is in the Air

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John checked his reflection in the mirror above his bathroom sink. Most women found him attractive, right? Maybe Millie didn't like his freckles. He ran his fingers over his cheeks and sighed. No, she wouldn't be so shallow. He just knew it.

"What are you doing, John?" He asked his reflection in the mirror. "You've never been so nervous before." He hung his head between his arms as he clenched the sink. When he brought his head back up he admitted. "You've never cared so much for a woman before either." He let out a slow breath. His dad was right. If he didn't tell her how he felt, he risked staying in the friend zone and losing his opportunity. He worried he'd regret it for the rest of his life.

Drawing in a deep breath, he stood upright and nodded at himself. "Let's do this." He said to himself and then walked quickly out of his house and down to the street sidewalk before he could lose his nerve. He jogged up her walkway and steps and quickly knocked on her door.

Tapping his foot nervously, he eventually knocked again. Was she not home? He eventually asked himself. Then he sighed and looked up at the sky. She must have already gone to the school. With Ben Simmons. He growled as he walked back down his steps and to his house.

It seemed like once he had decided to confess his feelings to her, the universe kept blocking him. First, Gabe called needing his help. Then they got stuck on the highway on the way home for hours from a bad wreck ahead of them. He'd not gotten home until almost eleven. And now she wasn't home. If he was a superstitious person, he'd see this as some kind of sign. But instead, he just believed it gave him an opportunity to be sure of his decision and also prove his determination.

He considered driving over to the school to talk to her, but decided that wouldn't be appropriate. Although he was itching to be there when she spoke with Mrs. Thornton, both to find out what the older lady said but also to support Millie, however she reacted to the information. But he hadn't been invited. And he wouldn't interfere if she wanted to stand on her own two feet. He wouldn't be so petty as to come up with an excuse to go to the school and just happen to check on her while he was there. That would probably be creepy.

He tried really hard not to be jealous of her agreeing to Ben's help both at the block party and today. But it was impossible not to be. He'd likely be jealous of any man that showed interest in her, but especially one that was already his long time rival. He groaned as he entered his house and locked the door behind him. Exhaling a deep breath, he reminded himself that Ben wasn't really a bad guy and that Millie would be fine at the school with him. And they had said Ben would be working separately while she was there with Mrs. Thornton, right? So there was no need to be jealous. He nodded, trying to assure himself that he had nothing to worry about.


"How are you doing over there?" Ben asked her as she looked out the window on the way back to her house.

"Hmm?" She asked him absentmindedly.

"I asked how you're doing."

"Oh. um... I don't know, honestly."

"Did you find out anything from Mrs. Thornton? Not that you have to tell me what it is."

"Yes and no. I mean, I did find out a lot I didn't know before. But I don't really feel any connection to it. I was hoping it might trigger something."

"Maybe you just need time."

"Yeah, that's probably true. Apparently I'm from right here in North Carolina." She offered him a smile.

"Yeah?" He asked as he pulled into her driveway.

"Yep. I looked up the town and it's about three hours from here."

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