18. Knowing More but Understanding Less

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"Amelia." She said gently as she stood beside the bed. She stood up straight and smiled down at her snoring sister. "I guess you need your beauty sleep." She chuckled as she went to the office and found a notepad and pen to leave her sister a note.

She walked outside just as the woman from the ride-hailing service pulled up in front of the house. She stepped in and gave the woman instructions to take her to the police station. She borrowed some more of her sister's rainy day cash funds to pay for the Uber. Since the officer had confirmed that her wallet and cards were in her purse at the station, she would easily be able to pay her sister back for the money she had spent.

She walked up to the police station and went in to the front desk, giving her name and asking for Officer Jenkins.

"ID, please." The younger officer asked her.

"Oh, I don't have my ID. That's why I'm here, actually. Officer Jenkins knows all about it."

"Ok, then. Just have a seat over there." He said as if bored.

After several more minutes, officer Jenkins walked in with a large cup of coffee. "Good morning Ms. Stephens."

"Good morning officer Jenkins. I wanted to apologize for calling you so late last night. I was so excited I wasn't thinking."

"It's fine." She said as she took a sip of coffee. "I'm usually up working late and then starting early the next morning."

"Oh, ok then."

"All right, come on back." She motioned to follow her as she started walking down the hall.

An hour and a half later she was walking back into her sister's house. "Amelia, I'm back!" She called out.

"Hey! I found your note. Where'd you run off to?"

"You and I have to have a long talk." She said as she sat her purse on the entryway table. She pulled out her phone, along with the charger she had stopped to buy, and plugged it in beside the TV and motioned for Amelia to sit with her on the couch.

"This seems serious." Amelia said as she sat in front of her sister.

"It is. In a way. I mean, everything is alright now. But you fell asleep on me last night before I could tell you."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." She patted her sister's hand with her own.

"It's ok, I know you were exhausted from traveling home from across the world. Trust me, I know."

"Yeah, how do you do that all the time?" Amelia chuckled.

Jovie shook her head as she smiled. "You get used to it I guess, but it is pretty tiring. But back to what I need to tell you."

"Yes, of course. Right. I'm sorry for getting distracted."

"It's ok." She smiled. "I needed time to process everything last night anyway, I'm in a much better mindset to explain everything this morning."

"You're kind of scaring me Jovie." Amelia admitted.

"I'll just get right into it then." Jovie squeezed her sister's hand. "When I got out of my car to find your house, some guy on a bike clipped me and I fell to the ground. I must have hit my head on the sidewalk and blacked out for just a moment."


"Calm down, or we'll never get through the rest." Jovie laughed.

"Oh, dear."

"When I woke up I was bleeding on my forehead." She pointed to the now faint line on the left side of her forehead. "I was really confused and nothing looked familiar. I had no purse, no phone, I was just standing there looking around. Apparently the hit to the head caused complete amnesia."

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