Angels Emotions

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||⚠️ Sexual warning!!! ⚠️||

As Angel slams his door his breathing quickens in his sudden panic.

"Mimzy says such dumb shit all the time!! I cant take it!" Angel throws himself to the ground tugging his hair with the top set of hands. The bottom set clenching his sides.

"I hate this feeling.... I don't love him... I can't love him.... whats going on...." small hot tears run down the spider face. He can't understand why he's been so emotional lately. Usually he'd push the feeling deep down and forget about it. But recently his emotions had been all over the place. He'd constantly spill over and sob for hours for no real reason.

Was he broken?

Did Val finally break him to the point of no return? Angel always felt awful about himself and everything he did. But when Husk was around... That pain melted away... He could feel emotions, he wasent numb... He felt....


The spiders body tensed as his breathing hitched. He couldn't stop crying. The more he thought about the small angry cat, the more his body temperature rose. Blush spread across the panting spiders face.

He was out of control

He loved husk.
He could feel it.
But it burned so bad.
He felt as if he was in double hell.
As if he was literally burning alive in a pit.

Angel tried to think of every possibility on his emotions.

Mabye it was just the lack of sex?
Or mabye he was broken?
Mabye he was just angry at Husk?
Or were his feelings true?...

A small white hand trailed down Angels body as he cried. Cupping  the wet spot in his pants. One of the top hands of Angels two sets of arms. Held his burning red face, while the other tugged his hair. One of the bottom pair restend on the floor holding him up. The other slowly pushed an pulled the spot between his long legs.

Rarely did Angel ever get to truly please himself. Although his hypersexuality did the work on stage. Some times he liked time to himself to be pleased with out others needs on the line.

Tears never stoped falling as the spider demon played with himself. Bright burning blush laced his doused miserable face. Constant thoughts of Husks raspy voice played on an agonizing loop. His hand still pushing and pulling on the spot. Small moans left his shaking mouth.

As time slowly passed the burning sensation only worsened. Craving more the spiders hand slithered down his pants hoping the feeling would go away. Constant moans and heavy breathing filled the boys pink room. (I know the demons probly don't have heart beats but just go along with it please-) Angels increasing heart rate made things harder. The room started to spin as his tears burned his skin.

The spider angerly took off his belt and lowered his skin tight pants. His twitching boner practically screaming at him to be touched. He couldn't resist the sensation any longer.

The poor spider quickly ran his soft hand up and down his cock frantically. He could hear Husks purring echo through his head. Drool ran down his white fur as his moans grew in both size and volume.

"F-fuck Huskyy~..." Tears and drool mixed together as Angel lost his mind in pure bliss. Lust fogged his every movement as his eyes glazed over. The spider through his head back on to edge of his bed as he pumped. Gaining more frictions with every movement. Angels two different colored eyes rolled back into his skull as his moaning screams quickened.

"H-husky!~ SHIT~" Every word slured together as he started to finger his entrance. All the while still frantically jerking himself off.

Angel couldn't tell if what he was seeing was real or not. An image of Husk crawling forward towards the spider played. Husk grabbed the taller demons face with a tight grip. A ruff kiss was placed agenst Angels lips.

Although none of it was real, it felt amazing. In his messy daze the fake Husks kiss was amazing and full of love. Something Angel craved.

One finger slipped in as he flinched. Both hands worked quickly as his climax neard closer.

'Good boy~' the blurry faceless Husk like figure ran his paws up and down Angels curvey figure. Every fake touch sending shivers down the tall demons spine.

A second finger slipped in with the first. The white slim fingers curled and ran in and out faster and faster with time. Angels eyes are lidded as his mouth hangs agape. Happy lustful moans echoed through his luckily mostly sound proof room.

Until it ended.

The burning finally subsided as Anthony hit his climax. A loud scream followed with. White strings flew off on to the floor.


"S-Shitt~" The heavy breathing dosent stop as the spider collapses. His fingers slowly leave his hole. His other hands try to unclench from there tight grips. Angels body shakes and jolts from his falling high.

"I fucked up....." The spider not even 1/3 naked, squished himself into a small tight ball. Even more hot tears gently ran down his white fur for what seemed like the millionth time.

He passes out on the floor ashamed of his new found emotions.

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