Meeting jean 1| Zone line

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Jean was walking in streets of Mondstaldt "ah... dandelions come first anyways good morning Mondstaldt" say's jean then she saw y/n she bumps into you and say's "watch where you going" she said in a rude tone

Y/n replies with "stop being harsh... it's just a mistake" jean replies with "whatever" then she goes to watch the dandelions she sit's on the grass and smells the dandelions

"The smell..of the beautiful dandelions with also be beautiful and fluffy.." she blows the dandelions "oh- haha...the flew!" Then y/n came to sit with her "u-um... H-hi" jean looks at y/! and smiles "hey there were you the one who just bumped into me earlier?"

Y/n "y-yes... I'm sorry" jean smiles and says "it's alright don't seem like you belong here?" Y/n gasped "well... everyone says that but...I am from here..I just don't like social yk..." Jean says "I understand well your face is not from here your beautiful" y/n says"thank you..."

Jean questioned you "what's your name?, I am jean the dandelion knight" y/n gasped "wow... that's so cool, anyways I am _____, you can call me Leni(if your a female),Lynn(if your a boy)" jean replies "wow that's a nice name Leni,Lynn" y/n "thank you!"

Jean questioned y/n "what's your vision?, and weapon?" Y/n got a bit embarrassed beacuse y/n didn't have a vision or a weapon "s-sorry.... I don't have a weapon or vision..." Jean says "it's okay!, there are reasons why you can get one"

the windy dandelions blooming within time and wings/Mondstaldt paste castelWhere stories live. Discover now