𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒐𝒎

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Tomorrow y/n wakes up y/n see's the city all decorated so y/n dresses up and opens the door and see's Jean talking to diluc then y/n comes and says "hey there! " diluc ignores y/n then Jean gets a bit mad and says

"Diluc..! He's/she's new to Mondstaldt be nice!" Diluc sighs and turns around looks so fine and his outfit looking dripping then y/n say's "are you the wine industry um... Leader? "

Diluc replies with "what do I look like? Ofc I do stupid insect... " Jean says "I swear.. This is your last chance diluc... Be NICE" she looked angry then y/n says "oh well.. Then I'd like a dandelion wine"

Diluc replies with "do I look like I'm in the wine shop?" Y/n becomes embarrassed and then leaves then y/n finds eula I'm a hotel named "Swaner Deance" then y/n decided to go to the hotel

Then after y/n goes to the hotel then a clerk says "well hello there! What's the booking? And what person" y/n looks confused and asked "what person?.. Sorry it's my first time visiting this hotel.. "

Then the clerk says "oh well that's a hotel where it's like prom you dance with someone you like or your lover" then y/n says "oh well... I don't have a lover so bye.. " then the clerk tops y/n and says

"Oh no worries! People without lovers can too I said included people they know and like" then the clerk says "here's the bookings! First mademis loreis a historical place and elegant"

Then the y/n chooses Juleao pwecolumb then y/n see's so many people and decided to choose eula/kaeya as their assassin/lover

the windy dandelions blooming within time and wings/Mondstaldt paste castelWhere stories live. Discover now