Meeting Mondstaldt nation of dandelions

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Jean said "well are you gonna come and meet my sister?, she's very popular,you might know her" y/n replied with "oh well uhm....I don't know her... as I said earlier I don't go to explore or anything I was just at home but today I decided to finally come out".

Jean replies "oh dear... anyways let's just explore I guess" you and jean were exploring Mondstaldt but you accidentally entered Mondstaldt's church Barbara suddenly said "well...hello hello!! Are you here to watch Barbara's new show???".

Barbara was smiling and looked to happy she got a new fan y/n replied with "sorry.. I accidentally entered her...." Barbara's emotion didn't change and said "it's okay! , and... Is that jean? Hey sister!" Barbara said "jean is my sister btw!".

Y/n gasped "woah... Anyways my name is ___ you can call me Lynn or Leni" Barbara replied "wow! That's a good name! My name is Barbara!" Jean sigh's "ok Barbara let's stop, come on Leni/Lynn Let's go..".

Barbara looked sad "oh...uhm b-bye!..." Barbara slowly walks away then you and jean left the church and explore more places "uhm..jean she looks sad but anyways let's stop her and I'll go take a rest it's midnight already so goodbye!" Says y/n jean replies with "have a nice day and come out sometime".

After midnight y/n woke up and saw jean texting y/n jean said "hey! There's gonna be a festival in 12 days! So be prepared!" Y/n replies with "alright alright chill! Anyways what's the festivals name and dress code!" Jean replies with.

"The dress code is wear something like a dandelion or flowers or the dress should be cyan green and the festival is called....Fest der Winde und des Lowenzahns, which means festival of winds and dandelions".

the windy dandelions blooming within time and wings/Mondstaldt paste castelWhere stories live. Discover now