Chapter 13: Start of Something New

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(A/N: I'm terribly sorry for the long wait. I was hospitalized last week and I'm supposed to upload this chapter last week. Also, I'm currently studying and working at the same time so I can't seem to balance or make my time more manageable than it was before, please do understand. PLUS, MY FREAKING LAPTOP WAS REFORMATTED BY MY LOVING BROTHER (note the sarcasm) AND I WAS MAD AT HIM UNTIL NOW. ALL MY FILES WERE GONE. Good thing I backed up all of my stories (yes I have so many stories that desperately needs to be published) So yeah, that was all of it. I hope you understand my situation right now, if not, then I'm going to stop writing. KIDDING LOL. You still love me right? Okay. So here it is. Don't hate me after you read this chapter)


Chapter 13: Start of Something New


"Hey, Sean wants you to come over his photo shoot" Jasmin said, startling me. Seriously, this girl needs a bell tied on her neck.

"Why?" is all I said. I know Sean is madly in love with me but c'mon, the guy has issues with his sexuality.

"Duh? He needs inspiration?!" Jasmin said as a matter-of-factly. Well if he needs inspiration, go to church, seek for God or whatsoever.

"I'm sure he can take care of himself, I have things to do anyways a—"

"NO! Sean needs you there, the whole school magazine and the entire population of our school will collapse if he doesn't do well, so it's really necessary for you to be there!" Oh yeah. As if the whole school knows that the great Sean Richard Haynes is actually gay... for me? What if he outed himself for me? As if that would actually happen, my sub-conscious said.

"Fine! But just for a minute or two" I huffed and rolled my eyes at her. She flipped her brown curls and cocked a brow at me saying yeah-b!tch-you-better-be Oh girls these days are very over-whelming.

Jasmin flipped her hair then struts away. I sighed out and looked on the ceiling and wandered for a moment... until someone rudely interrupt my thoughts.


"YES, I'M COMING!" I hissed then looked behind. Oh it was Kaleb.

"Where?" He asked dumb founded. He's wearing his blue and white varsity jacket with our school logo at the back and his initials on the front. His toned muscles are showing off within the fabric and he's wearing a black jeans and white Nike's. Talk about jock-themed-outfit

But he's definitely not a jock.

"Like what you see?" He suddenly said making me come back to my trance.

"What? Oh yeah the science project? Yeah it was very interesting you know? The planets and stuff and the rock thingy that falls down the Earth?" I said without thinking. I haven't paid attention to what he said because I was eyeing his obviously-covered-body-but-his-muscles-are-definitely-yummy. Oh gosh Spencer stop thinking like Shane that's disturbing to say the least.

"Erm right... Uh well, have you seen Shane around, I need to take him home to do our science project together you know what I'm saying?" He bluntly stated which is kinda disturbing but whatever. Boys will be boys I guess?

"Why don't you call him? I'm sure he's just around here somewhere, probably looking for free food or something." I looked around pretending to find Shane. I really don't care about him at the moment. Don't ask because I don't know.

"Okay thanks. See you around. Oh and Sean is—"

"Looking for me. I know that's why I need to go. His balls can't function without m—ew no why did I say that forget it I'm out" I turned around walking faster to the auditorium ignoring the laughter of Kaleb. That was totally embarrassing I swear.

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