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The exact seven days had passed marking the return of the best friends to Dr. Kim's office. With a planned surprise, they both opted to bring her a coffee, as Dr. Kim awaited nervously in her office. Jennie, at one point, had harbored hope that her mischievous patients wouldn't return for more therapy, but that hope faded when the two walked decisively into her office.

"We've brought you some coffee, Doctor," Lisa announced delicately, handing her the cup, while Rosé followed her lead, and they both took their usual seats. The gentle gesture not only surprised Dr. Kim but also made her blush intensely. The women, as usual, wore outfits reflecting their personalities, and of course, they looked delightful. Jennie couldn't help but admit that both were quite attractive, even too much so.

As they sat down, the best friends exchanged a knowing look before yielding control to the doctor. "Good morning to both of you and thank you very much for the gesture," Dr. Kim thanked as she reviewed her records. The atmosphere in the room became more relaxed with the presence of the patients, although Dr. Kim knew that the work still had to continue. Something inside her was growing, but she felt quite affected by what had happened on her birthday night. However, she tried to set that aside to be able to do her job well, which was demanding in itself.

"All right, welcome back to my office. I hope this time around you'll behave more respectfully, and I hope to help you improve," Dr. Kim announced firmly.

"So it shall be," Rosé chimed in with a grin from ear to ear, while Jennie watched their expressions attentively, trying to read beyond.

"Excellent, it seems you were tasked with analyzing if there's any trigger for your addiction," she looked at them, expecting a response. Lisa shifted uneasily in her seat, while Rosé seemed contemplative, both seemingly plotting something.

Rosé glanced at Lisa, who took the lead. "The truth is, it might be my inability to maintain long-term relationships, but I maintain and assert that this is a waste of time."

Jennie was surprised by Lisa's frankness, but the doubt remained very much alive within her. "Why is that, Lisa?"

The mentioned one glanced at the blonde sidelong. "Well, last week we went to hang out at a nightclub, and turns out, there was the most sensual woman in the universe," Jennie swallowed hard at the memory. She really hoped they wouldn't mention that topic, but there they were, mentioning it unabashedly. "I thought you had promised to behave," Dr. Kim intervened with a slight note of reproach in her voice.

"It tends to be difficult for my best friend to behave, Miss Kim," Jennie, the blonde, interjected. "But she's not wrong, I could barely focus on work these past few days," she confessed dramatically. Lisa nudged her shoulder in disapproval.

"I would like for you to forget what happened," Dr. Kim insisted, seeking to put an end to the topic.

"Forget it? Didn't you feel what I felt? What we all felt?" Lisa retorted, with a challenging tone in her voice.

"I told you that was to stay out of this office," Dr. Kim reiterated firmly.

"So, can we go home once we leave here?" Lisa suggested, hoping to steer the conversation away.

"Technically, you have to return to your homes or wherever you need to go," the doctor said simply.

"She meant for you to come with us," added Rosé, with an inquisitive look towards Dr. Kim, while Jennie took a deep breath, preparing to deal with the two patients. She was more concerned about the fact that she had enjoyed what had happened, but she knew it was wrong.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Dr. Kim responded firmly, trying to maintain her composure.

"You might enjoy it a lot, Kim," Lisa suggested with a rather deep voice, leaving a provocative air in the room that made Jennie feel uncomfortable. The tension between the three women seemed to increase with each word spoken.

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