The Rescue

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She loved playing in the woods, it was one of her favourite places to be. To escape the world around her. Until she heard crying.

She followed the noise and found someone trapped under three pieces of broken branches. She knew she had to help, no one deserved to be trapped.

"Mister?" she called out calmly and innocently "are you okay mister?"

A strange groan was her answer. And on closer inspection, she noticed the branches were lying on parts of the body that would most certainly hurt them if they weren't removed soon.

"Mister your hurt. I'll be back with help"

She had to get help. She needed her mum. She didn't want to leave the poor mister alone, but she had no choice. Not if she wanted to free him.

To say you thought your daughter was hurt was an understatement. You thought she was dying from the way she had barged into the house shouting for you as if the devil himself was right behind her. She looked frazzled and scared.

And then she told you about the person trapped under three broken branches.

Obviously, you were skeptical, kids her age could sometimes make tall tales to get out of trouble. But seeing her fear and the possibility of someone genuinely being trapped convinced you to go and see for yourself.

You would call an ambulance the moment you got there and saw the situation.

So here you were, wandering the woods behind your daughter as she went the same route she had taken before finding the trapped victim. Then she went off the road.

And when you looked in that direction, you noticed something. Odd.

At first, you passed it off as some shadow since there were obviously a lot of trees. It's the woods for crying out loud. But the more you walked, the more unsettled you felt. Especially when the shadows began to get thicker and the air got more suffocating.

It was like you were being strangled by the lungs and were slowly losing oxygen. Whatever this was, it wasn't natural. It felt wrong. And this wasn't paranoia. It felt bad.

The place had gotten darker too, as if it was sucking all the life and light around it and you were stuck in the void. Or a place of eternal night. Thank goodness that you had your torch.

So why wasn't Dawn affected by it? She looked completely fine. Then again she was more focused on trying to find this person. One of the few traits you were glad she got from you. And taught from a young age.

You weren't sure if you regretted it now though.

"Mister. I'm back, and I got help" she called out as she sped her movement.

You were about to call out to her to come back until you saw a strange bundle of tree branches stacked up like it was a lean-to shelter. Haphazardly.

And then you saw a skinny black leg sticking out of the pile, with a sound of what was most likely wheezing and heavy breathing. Like something was squashing its lungs.

Oh crap in a bucket what the hell were you supposed to do?

"Mister? I'm back, I promised" Dawn moved to the pile.

Then it started to move and you could hear a panicked noise coming from it.

"Sir? Sir, it's alright, I'm here now" you say out of panic when the body began to move in distress, it sounded more like an animal than a human being.

You slowly move towards the branch pile, keeping your body low so as not to spook whatever it was that was hiding under it, shifting your voice into the tone you would use when Dawn had a very bad nightmare, and for spook animals.

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