Chapter: 21-30

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Chapter 21: The best uncle is looking for trouble

The old doctor was also incredulous and stunned when he saw the smooth skin on the girl's arm.

The wound of the pus injection was still fresh in the minds of everyone present.

It wasn't long after that, but the arm recovered. Although the old doctor had been practicing medicine for many years, he had never seen such a serious injury and such an immediate effect.

Dachuan shook the small porcelain bottle and saw that the old man was so surprised when he saw the girl's arm recover. He was proud of himself for getting a great bargain, "Old man, where did you get this medicine? Fifty cents a bottle, it's really too cheap, hahaha."

The old doctor was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and he knew that this fairy purple grass liquid was not an ordinary liquid.

"Since the treatment is complete, return the medicine. This is not an ordinary medicine, it is our magic medicine."

Dachuan almost spit out a mouthful of saliva, and said with a smile: "I say, old man, what kind of gangster style are you? You can take back what you sold. You still have the face to open your store."

The old doctor said in a tone that did not allow any objection: "Stinky boy, I am not kidding you. To tell you the truth, this liquid medicine was brought to our store by a female comrade. She neither said the price nor when to take it back. At first, I didn't know that this liquid medicine had miraculous effects. I just sold it to you at the price of ordinary lithospermum oil. But now this is not ordinary lithospermum oil, and I can't sell this liquid medicine to you. I have to wait for the female comrade to speak."

Dachuan was of course not happy. This is a magic medicine, too rare.

The woman also advised: "Jingchuan, since my injury has healed, we don't need this liquid medicine, just return it to the old gentleman."

Dachuan felt unhappy, but he only spent a few cents to buy this liquid medicine, and healed the girl's injury, and she didn't have to go to the hospital to suffer. They really took advantage of it.

"Okay, old man, I'll return it to you." Dachuan handed the liquid medicine to the old doctor, and asked curiously: "Who is this female comrade? She is a miracle doctor, a living god in our Nanhe County."

The old doctor laughed and said: "You think I don't want to see this female comrade, but it's a pity that I was not in the clinic when I came this morning, but I believe the young comrade will come again."

The words are divided into two parts, each with its own views.

Song Yingling came out of the pharmacy and went to the state-owned hotel to queue for lunch while it was almost time for the noon hotel.

The food coupons in the gift package of the system reward have a time limit.

The national food coupons issued to her are valid for one year.

Song Yingling ate alone and spent two taels of food coupons to buy a bowl of rice.

She also bought a plate of stir-fried three shreds and a plate of stir-fried pork with peppers.

The cooking chef of this state-owned hotel has superb skills. This stir-fried pork with peppers is delicious and delicious, which made Song Yingling full.

After leaving the hotel, Song Yingling thought about going to the black market in the afternoon.

This bicycle ticket can't be obtained anywhere else, only in this black market.

Transmigrating into a book: A tough village girl from the 1970sWhere stories live. Discover now