Chapter: 41-50

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Chapter 41: There are chickens to eat again

Lin Huiru came back from work and saw three more old hens in the yard. She heard that Chunxiang sent them to thank Zhaoxia for curing her leg, and she was very happy.

In the evening, Song Yingling called her second uncle's family to eat stewed duck together.

The wild duck meat is plump and fragrant. The meat is soft and tender when stewed, and the soup is delicious. The children next door cried, and Lin Huiru brought a bowl of duck meat to coax them.

Song Yingling asked Lin Huiru to catch two of the thirty ducks for her second uncle's family, and kept half of the rest for meat. The remaining ten or so were taken to the livestock and poultry purchasing station in the town to sell.

A dozen ducks can also be sold for a hundred yuan.

If this duck is raised at home, it will take at least several months, and it must be fed with feed to grow fast.

Feed ducks are definitely not as delicious as wild ones.

After dinner, Song Jianguo and his brother sat in the main room, and the others cleaned the dishes in the kitchen.

Lin Huiru wanted to save the remaining food for tomorrow, but Song Yingling directly asked her to feed the dog and did not allow Lin Huiru to eat the leftovers.

Song Yingling has been cultivating herbs for treating stomach problems these days, but Lin Huiru's stomach problem is still unknown.

In the 1970s, the medical equipment of the County People's Hospital was also limited, and Song Yingling was not sure about the level.

Song Yingling returned to the room and clicked on the system.

This sign-in system pays her salary every day.

In addition to the 30 yuan received in the first month, it was given to Lin Huiru for household expenses.

Now I have saved 150 yuan.

If I sign in for another month, I can upgrade to a daily reward of 10 yuan, which is a monthly salary of 300 yuan.

Song Yingling opened the storage space again, which stored a Phoenix brand bicycle, a Suzuki motorcycle, a small yellow croaker, and various tickets.

These things can be sold on the black market for at least several thousand yuan.

But for Song Yingling, it is still too little.

She still has to find a way to go to the black market in Beijing or the black market in the provincial capital.

The black market in the county is too small.

The demand for those magic drugs is also small.

Before making money, cure Lin Huiru's stomach disease, refine a batch of liquid medicine, and go to Beijing.

This god-level sign-in system has complete functions and can be called omnipotent.

There are still many functions that have not been developed.

Song Yingling is still exploring.

Song Yingling suddenly found the function module on the system panel.

Advanced module for top students, (mathematics LV1, chemistry LV1, medicine LV0...biopharmaceuticals LV0, technical drawings LV0, infrastructure engineering LV0, etc.)

Physical training module, (physical skills stage 1, physical skills stage 2...)

Aquaculture module, (undeveloped)

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