the first meet

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Today it's been one week since I saw that girl at temple.


I fell for her at first sight only. How can she be so beautiful and innocent.
Her hair flowing with the air and reaching down her hips. That nosepin tucked in her nose, black eyes, black hairs, dusky skin, 5'2 height, perfect shaped lips. What else do anyone wants?

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to the reality, I turned my head behind and saw this idiot standing behind me.

" Bhai, where are you lost?" Ayush said I gritted my teeth.

" Nowhere" I replied sternly.

" So rude always" he said showing me his puppy eyes.

" Come lets checkout girls" he said smirking

I slapped his head. He rubbed his head.

" I wish I was as tall as you are." I said looking up into my eyes.

Yes, I m 6'1. Which makes girls drool over me.

I chukled at his statement and went out with him from class.

It's our first day of 11th class. We were standing at the corridor looking at different people entering. My eyes widened when I saw a similar figure.

A slim waist, bag hanging on one shoulder, hair reaching down her waist.

Turn, turn, turn.

She turned!

It is herr, I smiled widely looking at that girl.

" Bhai, what happened. You like that girl?" Ayush teased me.

I snapped my head in his direction and glared him. I turned back my head in that girl's direction and she was not there anymore.

This idiot always ruins my magical moments. I will fry him oneday.

The bell rang and everyone gathered at the assembly ground.  After the usual prayer, this idiot principal started his boaring speech.  I rolled my eyes and started looking here and there and my eyes got fixed on that one particular girl.

Ofcourse it was her.

I scanned her from head to toe. She is looking so beautiful in school uniform too. I bit my lip to hide my smile.

" Adii bhai blushing blushing" Ayush teased me.

" Shut up, you idiot" I glared him.

He slightly tilted on his left and peeked out of the line to have a clear view ofcourse of the girl not of the principal.

" Um hm, beautiful beautiful"  He said making me chukle.

" You have a crush on that pretty girl?" He said making me blush again.

" I saw her few days back at the temple." I rubbed my neck and again lifted my eyes to look at that girl.

The assembly ended and we all went back to our class. But my eyes were at that girl only. She moved to the class which was not ours. It was 11th but biology section.

" Pick up your bag, we are changing our subject" I said lifiting up my bag.

" Why bro?" He asked confused.

" Your bhabhi is in another section" I winked at him.

He smirked and came with his bag. We stopped at the doorway of bio section. The teacher looked at us.

" Yes? Come in" she allowed us to enter the class.

" You both here?" She asked confused.

" Mam, we want to change our subject." I said.

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