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Adhira's pov

After stepping out of his room I did my hair into a loose bun and picked up the mat lying infront of sofa in living room.

" Pick up all the mats and put them aside in a corner after that bring the broom."

I ordered him picking the mats. His house is pretty huge and there were lots of mats.

After placing the mats aside, we both picked up the brooms and started brooming the house.

" Adi, broom the living room, I will do these two rooms."

I pointed towards two rooms out of which one was his room and other one was his sister's.

" Oky baby" he kissed my nose tip.

Before he could grab my lips I ran away giggling.

He squinted his eyes and started brooming.

After 1.5 hours we were done with brooming and mopping the whole house.

I dusted the rooms well and arranged them too.

I hope my in laws would like this.

Ohhh God! What are you daydreaming Adhiraaa!

" Baby, I m done!"

" Well done darling" I hugged him and kissed his lips.

" Baby, what are you cooking for lunch?"

" Umm, what do you want to eat?" I asked sitting on his lap.

" Pasta!" He said snuggling into my breast.

" Oky, get up then" I tried to stand but he held me tight.

" First I want milk!" He showed me his toothy smile and how could I say no?

I first fake glared him then giggled looking at his pouty face.

He grinned and lowered my dress.

He took out my breast and carresed it after that he took it in his mouth and started sucking it.

With other hand he kneaded my other breast.

I rolled my eyes in pleasure.

I moved my hands through his soft hairs and slowly slowly caressed them.

After he was done he corrected my dress and kissed my lips.

He lifted me up in bridal style and took me to the kitchen.

" Chop the onion, tomatoes, chilli and capsicum "

I ordered him and put the pan on stove to boil pasta.

I admired him while he was chopping the vegetables.

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek and neck.

After that I prepared pasta, i was very careful to make it tasty.

As I was cooking for the first time for him.

" Tastyyy" he said as he took the first bite into his mouth.

I smiled bright.

He kissed my fourhead.

After that he fed me too.

After doing the dishes, we both again went to his room.

He took off his shirt and was in his shorts in front of me.

His well gymed body made my core wet instantly.

He turned on the cooler and asked me to come on bed.

But I climbed on his back instead, he picked me up on his back and laid on the bed.

With his stomach facing the matress of the bed.

" Adii, we are not supposed to lay like this, we just had lunch"

I said and rolled off from him.

He widened his arms for me and I  hugged him tightly.

It felt like home.

My home

The home which I can't let anyone else to stay.

I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. His heart beating and i was just listening to the soft rythm of his heart.

I opened my eyes and looked at his face, his eyes were closed too.

I snuggled more close to him.

And touched my lips with his. Moulding our lips together, in a sync.

With no noise around, I felt complete.

We parted apart and stared at each other, smiled and again kissed.

After that we rested our fourhead on each other.

" Baby, I m sleeping shirtless so youu also..." 

He slipped his hand down my breast and I understood what he mean.

I sat up and took off my dress.

I was in bra which he didn't let to stay on my body.

he soon threw away the bra.

Now I was naked from upper body.

But still I felt clothed, his hands were covering me into a hug and that is enough.

I drifted into a deep sleep, the best sleep i ever had.

I opened my eyes 1 hour later and saw him sucking my nipples.

I chukled and carresed his hair.

" Adii, get up it is 4 pm."

I pushed him aside and he kissed my tummy.

I fixed my dress and jumped down from the bed.

I made the bed again, opened the curtains and window.

" Come"

I held his hand and took him to kitchen.

There I prepared lemon water for both of us.

After spending a good time completing our notes and kissing and him sucking my breast our day ended.

Such a peaceful Sunday it was for me.

I kissed him for the last time before he drops me off to my home.

" I love you baby"

" I love you too adii"

I bid him bye and walked to my home.

At night, when I opened my insta.

" Mentioned you in their story" it was the message i received from him.

It was our picture of today!

I was lying on his chest looking at him and he was looking at me.

Such a cute picture.

I smiled and blushed. My cheeks were beetroot pink.

I gave him mention back. After talking for a good 1 hour. We both drifted to sleep.

And our day ended, smiling, giggling and moaning.

I expect these days in future too just with my adii.

My home has beautiful eyes,
Prettiest nose
The cutest smile.
( This was the song on aditya's story)

Hie my cuties!

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With love
Your writer
- Krishti🫀

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