Chapter 36-40

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Chapter 36

Twenty-five thousand yuan, plus the money from Gaoshan, is almost enough. But this way, apart from the factory, the family doesn't have any funds left.

For such an expenditure, the income from the town's twist business seems to be a drop in the bucket.

For a moment, she was a little hesitant.

When Li Gaoshan came back, it was still very early.

Xue Luo was cooking at home. Seeing that he was back, he was a little surprised, "Why are you back so early?"

Li Gaoshan changed his clothes and took off his shoes, sat next to her, and said with a smile: "The project is almost done today. I asked Xingguo to look at it, and the government will come to check and accept it tomorrow."

"Oh." Xue Luo nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Li Gaoshan patted her shoulder and said, "You go and rest, I'll cook." He said that he would take the spatula from her hand.

"Farewell, I'll be fine soon." Xue Luo quickly stopped him and asked him to stay aside while she quickly put the food on the plate.

There were only two people, so we only cooked two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian. The couple ate around the small table in the room.

While eating, Xue Luo couldn't help but tell Li Gaoshan about this matter.

When Li Gaoshan heard that he was going to buy the factory, he was surprised at first, but then he calmed down and said, "Do we have enough money? Last time you said it was several thousand yuan. It just so happens that I will go to the government to get my wages tomorrow. I can also get it in these two days." Got it. I just don't know if the money is enough."

"Almost. I'll get some from Boss Du first, and then I'll embroider some for her to make up for it." After saying that, her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled again, " But if we open a factory this time, our family won't have much money. If you need to spend something in the future, there won't be any money to turn over."

"That's okay, I don't spend any money here, and the pillars were empty two days ago. He helped me contact a project, and it's completed this time. Let everyone go back and rest for two days, and I have to get busy again."

Xue Luo nodded, and seeing the calm expression on his face, she jokingly smiled: "I All the money at home has been used up, don't you blame me?"

Li Gaoshan took a bite and shook his head slightly, "What's wrong with this? You earned it in the first place. Besides, this is also a business. You like to open a factory, no matter what We have to give it a try to see if it can work." He didn't have any deep concepts about money. Anyway, as long as he had the ability to make money, he could spend it.

Xue Luo felt very useful for Li Gaoshan's unconditional support, and secretly determined to win over this factory. In this way, even if Gaoshan could no longer do projects, they would have the capital to retreat.

The next day, Xue Luo changed into more formal clothes and went directly to Yuan Xiaozhen's Jiangcheng Garment Factory.

Xue Luo only asked casually and then looked at the shaky signboard.

She walked over and followed the guard room and asked to find the factory director. She was asked to register and wait at the door while someone went inside to ask questions.

After a while, the middle-aged guard was seen running out of the factory.

"You go in, it's an office at the end of the second floor."

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